Saturday 15th February 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Dani
18 brave runners refused to stay off the trails, despite the threatening bellows of Dennis the Menace yesterday afternoon. The weather may not have been kind to us, but once in the fields, splashing through the mud, we had a brilliant time. Among those runners, three GoodGymers - Dani, Rachael & Tracy, taking a break from the road & testing out the dirt routes.
There's something natural & freeing about running through such atrocious conditions; rain peppering the body, mud splashing up legs, wading through knee deep puddles, climbing over fallen trees & of course, laughing with fellow dirt lovers.
It wasn't all hard work; after the run was over & feet cleaned & dried (kinda), it was time to enjoy snacks & then a runners' yoga class. Ran, fed & stretched, this grubby bunch looked sleepy & content by the end of the first "Run Dem Trails" event.
If you'd like to be involved in the next one, we're going to be based at Ashbourne Town Hall on the 21st March for a similar set up... minus Dennis we hope!
Big Loves x
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