Thursday 6th May 2021
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Report written by Newcastle runner
There was an exciting development at the foodbank today. If you’ve been following our reports you’ll know about the struggles to get the cardboard to the far side of the recycling shipping container and my inability to develop the knack! Well today we managed to open the door at the other side revealing half an empty container! (Little things excite me these days!) After sorting the cardboard I picked up where Liz and Lucy left off yesterday. There were lots of bags of miscellaneous food and toiletries that were donated during the Tin on a Wall campaign. I wheeled trolleys of donations from the cabin to the store room and sorted them into crates, checking the use by dates. Unfortunately quite a few items were out of date but I managed to sort lots of bags and boxes. Hopefully the guys in the workshop will be happy to have their cabin back now!
East End Women offers practical courses for women to build confidence and skills around DIY, sewing, pattern cutting and basic trades. We also deliver the Freedom Programme domestic abuse recovery course, helping women to better understand the roots of domestic abuse and build confidence to identify warning signs in the future. In addition to this, East End Women also offer social activities and drop-in sessions for women experiencing isolation to meet one another, make friends and build local networks.
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