Wednesday 3rd July 2019
Report written by Amy Boalch
15 Goodgym goers ran around the sunny streets of Greenwich handing out flyers for the Twilight Walk!
This evening was a little bit different to the last time I led a group run….not a drop of rain in sight, and instead the sun was shining for us! Thank goodness for that!
The Greenwich Music Time festival is back for another summer which meant that our usual meeting spot was out of use. It was instead replaced by a medical tent, which fortunately none of us required this evening! After we’d all gathered together tonight’s topic was on resolutions. Now, it may not be the New Year, but we’re halfway through 2019 so it was a good chance to review the goals we’d managed to stick to….and the others that we’d let slide! It seems a lot of us haven't been doing too well....oops!
Though not much warming up was needed, we played a game of Everybody’s It. The clue is in the name! EVERYBODY had to run around after one another and if tagged three burpees were required to get you back into the game. With our heart rates raised, we were all set to run around the streets of Greenwich handing out flyers. We split into two groups: one headed to East Greenwich and the other headed in the Deptford direction. We were posting flyers through letterboxes on behalf of Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice. Their Twilight Walk takes place on September 28th and is a five mile walk to support two local hospices. Learn more about the walk here.
After getting through all of the flyers, we reconvened in the park and ran to the top of One Tree Hill. That’s a seriously steep hill so some of us took the more gentle route up. At the top we did a circuit of strength exercises which was conveniently broken up by the appearance of a very friendly dog! After working out our abs and quads we ran back down the hill (much easier) to the university for a quick cool down.
Thanks to everyone who came this evening and helped spread the word about this great event and cause!
If you’re looking to do even more good, check out the details for a community mission that is happening this Saturday here. The event will involve cooking and clearing away and is happening at Cherry Orchard Primary School where we did a group task a few weeks ago.
Sarah will be back next week so see you then!
Start your Saturday in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!