Shopping for Sugar...or so it felt.

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Hackney
Nick Moore
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Tuesday 21st April 2020

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Report written by Nick Moore

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Those who have watched the reality TV programme the Apprentice will know that at the start of each task, the teams discuss the best way to "win", but usually (this is entertainment after all) fall into the trap of failing to take account of the multitude of other dynamics needed to receive a winning nod from Lord Sugar.

Today's task was shopping, or so it seemed, and at midday Ms N was well prepared with her list, cash and a reusable shopping bag. I read out the list with her to check I'd understood her requirements, asked where she normally shopped (Sainsbury's), and set off purposefully.

It was a shop 1 where I realised the challenge today would be more than just picking items from the shelf and staying within budget - Ms N's list was neither extensive nor complex, but I was finding empty shelves for most of her items, and in some cases not finding them at all.

Ever hopeful I set off up the Kingsland Road, stopping off in the smaller big brand supermarkets 2 and 3 - finding an item, but still missing large parts of Ms N's list...and the clock was ticking.

Decision time - push on up to the larger Sainsbury's at Dalston (a good 20 min walk away) where I felt I would find the more bespoke vegan items that I was missing and other things like handwash, flour & washing up liquid or hope that I'd hit pay dirt in one of the local shops closer to where I was. (What would the Apprentices do in such a scenario I wondered, and whatever it was, I'd probably do the opposite...).

At this point I wasn't hopeful but certainly didn't want to return to Ms N with only half a shopping list of items (and, in my mind at least, earn a stern word from Lord Sugar and a trip to that cafe for a cup of weak tea).

More in hope, I stepped into Kingsland Local stores, which was quiet and whose shelves were full and where the staff immediately asked if I needed help. Within minutes I'd found all of Ms N's missing items - including the vegan cheese, self raising flour and hand wash.

With a full bag and complete list, I returned to Ms N just as the clock was striking 1.30 - she asked if I'd got all the items and both of us were equally surprised that I'd manage to tick off all on her list. She was ready to clean the items in the bag, and we wished each other well.

I ran home making an internal note that in future, and at times like this, it's worth making your locally owned and run mini store your first port of call for these sorts of tasks (especially if you don't want a telling off from Lord Sugar...).

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Becs Clarke

Wed 22nd Apr 2020 at 11:14am

Great report Nick :)

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