Smart Working to Install Smart TV

2 Goodgymers helped an isolated person in Lewisham
Jacqueline Francis

Friday 6th September

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Report written by Lewisham runner

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Despite it being a two person task it was easy to get takers for it, such is the affection that Mr J is held by GG Lewisham and beyond. Jacqueline provided the brains and technical language for the mission - such patiently explaining about the ‘twisty in bit’ and finding the best location for the interior aerial. Paul provided the brawn, lugging the old, much heavier TV upstairs; Paul also provided the aftercare, going through a few queries with Mr J after a separate shopping mission for him.
(Obviously, we weren’t smart enough to take any photos…)

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Volunteering at Hilly Fields junior parkrun
🗓Today 8:40am

Enable this junior parkrun to happen and help young parkrunners and their families to run and have fun

Jacqueline FrancisVic
2 GoodGymers are going