Thursday 9th April 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Mridula Iyer
Good Morning Goodgymmers! Today I went to meet the lovely Ms L to help her with some grocery shopping. Ms L was very organised and had printed out a list with priorities on it, and what to swap out if necessary. She thought the total would come to less that £20 but gave me advice on what to swap out if it didn't. This was super helpful! Thanks Ms L.
I walked over to Sainsburys, where there was a massive queue. On my way there I got a call from my dad who I managed to have a fight with, about clinical trials and the efficacy of masks with respect to Coronavirus, before I even hit the front of the queue. Now that's what I call multitasking.
Once I got into the supermarket it was smooth sailing. All these grocery shopping missions have me pretending like I'm on a very sedate version of supermarket sweep. It was too hot today to wear a super ugly jumper. Fun side note, I didn't understand the concept of barcode scanners as a child and thought that supermarket employees just knew the product prices by heart. They were my heroes then, and my heroes now for keeping us fed in these scary times.
I was swiftly done with my mission, but unfortunately the shop came to 30p over budget. I'm getting closer to being under though, so next time I think I will have this nailed! I walked back to Ms L, dropped off her groceries on a plate she had left out by the door, and went home to start my first shift as an operations volunteer!
Stay safe goodgymmers!
Fri 10th Apr 2020 at 11:13am
Big fan of your reports, Mridula! :D
Parkruns are 100% volunteer operated and always looking for helpful people (GoodGym people!) to fill volunteer roles every weekend.