Tetris Gone Good

2 Goodgymers helped an isolated person in Lewisham
Alex Murtough
Jacqueline Francis

Monday 8th November 2021

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Report written by Alex Murtough (he/him)

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Tetris is a fun game.

You know the one. It's the one with the squares and rectangles that fall down the page. And you shift the slidey-slidey thing to make things fit flush.

Okay, let's be honest, it's fun but it's also a little anxiety-inducing.

Which was my general feeling when Jacqueline and I looked in the lovely Mr F's shed last night. Space, as it is in the best of sheds, was limited. And we had two halves of a bed base, 4 drawers, and a headboard to tuck neatly away. Mr F has a new hospital bed arriving on Wednesday.

I distinctly remember thinking - but if there's not enough space to let daylight in, then how...

But I shouldn't have worried, because Jacqueline is a bit of a special whizz. Which puts things lightly. This Lewisham-based good-deeding supremo finds space where I see boxes. And we shifted and pushed and slided and shook the shed's inhabitants to find space for their new friends. And Jacqueline's skills extended to making things neat too.

I also distinctly remember thinking that Jacqueline's magic could be sprinkled our own home's cupboards and clutter-hideaways.

And we all did this whilst speaking to Mr F and his visting friend - both kind, interesting, and convival people; you could feel the joie de vivre emanating from their conversation.

It was lovely to lend a quick helping hand to Mr F. Which added some much-needed warmth to a cold Monday evening.

Nice one.

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Jacqueline Francis

Wed 10th Nov 2021 at 7:59am

Lovely run report Alex!


Wed 10th Nov 2021 at 7:14pm

Fantastic work :)

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