The rain couldn't squash my enthusiasm

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Lewisham

Friday 5th June 2020

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Report written by Bromley runner

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Just as I was heading out the door it started raining, so I waited for a few minutes for the worst of it to pass. I was feeling tired and not up for a run, but forced myself to jog as I didn't want to be late!

I arrived and was greeted by Mrs L and her very cute dog. Mrs L had list ready with lots of detail on the products she wanted - she had even brought examples of some of the items to the door to show me and offered me the use of her shopping trolley as lots of the items were heavy. The queue for the shop had gone down (yes!) and I realised that Mrs L had written everything on the list in order of the section of the shop it was in, which was so helpful. On getting to the juice section, I saw that there was plenty of other flavours left, but luckily I managed to get a lemon squash as listed. I went back to Mrs L's, caught her dog from running out and delivered the shopping. We had a great chat, the sun came back out and I thanked her for her organisation and for helping me get some exercise in - I definitely would not have left the house otherwise. I helped to take her bin bag out and ran back in the sunshine.

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CJ Jessup

Mon 8th Jun 2020 at 11:01am

Good job on getting out there and completing this mission so well, Rebecca!

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Volunteering with Hilly Fields Parkrun!
🗓Tomorrow 8:40am

Parkruns are 100% volunteer operated and always looking for helpful people (GoodGym people!) to fill volunteer roles every weekend.

Steve Lee
One GoodGymer is going