Why was the broom late for school? Because he overswept!

20 Goodgymers helped their local community in Greenwich
Sarah Place
George Barnett
Helen O'Regan
Tom Heaney
Neil Macey
James Holt
Gareth Grey
Andy Waterhouse
Jihee Kim
Ben Parkes
Luke Stewart
Doyin Agbonin
Vickie Burns
Olivia Joan
Bashirat Adeyemo
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Wednesday 1st March 2017

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20 model pupils ran 4km to paint the fence and tidy up the garden at St Joseph's school!

It was a pretty cold and miserable evening in Greenwich last night but it didn't stop all you wonderful lot from going for a run! We had 4 new runners join us - Marta, Isabella, Ji & Olivia! It was so nice to meet you all! Give them a cheer and make them feel part of the gang! We also had Manju join us in Greenwich who has done a few GoodGym runs in other areas and he also runs with my other group, Midnight Runners! Great to see you Manju!

It was another big group again this week, but no matter how big we get, we will always do name, number and favourite thing! This time it was pancake toppings, a day late but still BATTER late than never! We dropped off our stuff and then went for our warm up!

The sharks are coming!

In case you were wondering where these warm up ideas come from, they are actually from a teaching resources website for 5-6 year olds.... ha! But I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying them! After the sharks ate everyone, we set off to St Joseph's school, which is actually where Neil works! He led the way and in no time at all we arrived :)

Neil had kindly got everything set up for us earlier in the day and organised all the tools and paint which was great (thanks so much!). We unlocked the gates, took a group photo (which looks amazing by the way!) and got started with the task!

There were 3 main jobs - painting the fences, weeding the flower bed and there was also another much larger area that needed weeding and logs moved etc. Charlotte and Tom got straight to work with the painting whilst everyone else took to the garden. There was an interesting array of tools, but everyone grabbed something and got stuck in! A few strong pairs of hands moved the bench out of the way, more strong hands moved the logs into a lovely circle. Weeds were being pulled out left, right and centre, James was sweeping up everyone's mess and Ben had the most important job of all - human lamppost - making sure Vickie didn't stab herself in the hand, or headbutt the wall.

After half an hour or so, the flower bed had been expertly weeded, all the logs beautifully arranged, holes in the ground had been filled, fences had been painted and hundreds of other weeds had been removed. Excellent work! We tidied up and then got going again!

To the tunnel!

Ben led everyone to the Greenwich foot tunnel whilst Gareth and I waited with Neil to lock up. At the other end of the tunnel we did quite a leg-heavy fitness session using a deck of cards to determine the number of reps! Black cards were squat jumps while red cards were lunges. We split into two teams - boys & girls - and amazingly we were 10 of each! After a few rounds, we did a final lap (or two) of the park and headed back to Greenwich!

It wasn't raining when we went back in the tunnel at Island Gardens but it was when we came out the other end! So the last few hundred metres were pretty soggy but we had a nice little stretch in the shelter of the beautiful surrounding buildings and then went inside for some #greenwichgoodies, in the form of some chocolate filled crepes... I guess I can kind of say they were homemade since I live on top of a Tesco............... right????

We said our goodbyes and then a few of us headed to Byron for a post-run burger! YUM. We even managed to wangle 4 free cheesecakes out of it!

Thanks so much for coming everyone! And thank you Neil for organising everything. I hope you all had a nice time, really great effort from you all - gold stars all round! See you next week!

Discuss this report
Mridula Iyer

Thu 2nd Mar 2017 at 1:18pm

Both puns made me laugh for 10 minutes. They were puntastic!

Ben Parkes

Thu 2nd Mar 2017 at 1:29pm

Sitting here in Germany having some lunch, laughing away at these puns! Great work everyone last night!

Join us on our next session


Volunteering at Charlton Parkrun
🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

Start your Saturday in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!

VicCecilia D🍀JC
3 GoodGymers are going