Alexandra Shaw


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Alexandra Shaw
Alexandra Shaw has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Wednesday 6th November 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Alexandra Shaw has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Alexandra is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Alexandra Shaw
Alexandra Shaw went on a group run

Tue 22nd Oct 2019 at 5:00pm

We Immediately Made A Difference!

Report written by Sarah Place

4 runners ran 6km to help tidy up at the Brook Green Family Centre!

We were a little bit thinner on the ground than expected but it didn't stop this wonderful trio of media experts from getting out for a run to do good on a cold Tuesday night!

Our task was quite literally a stones throw from the office but GoodGym is half about running and half about doing good so we had to get a run in somehow! 

We did a 3k loop around the residential roads of Hammersmith and arrived at the task for 5.30pm. We were greeted by Jude and the site manager Dawit who had everything laid out and organised ready for us to get cracking.

The two main tasks were cutting back some overgrown plants including some rather tough vines and bamboo as well as cleaning out the mud kitchen! 

Hannah and Alex filled up some buckets of water to clean up the kitchen while Matt and I grabbed some secateurs and began attacking the greenery!

After just half an hour things were looking MUCH better! We bagged up all the trimmings, chucked them in the bin, washed out the buckets and gave the place a final once over and we were ready to go!

We said our goodbyes then headed for another loop to make the distance up a bit before arriving back at the office for a stretch! 

Lovely to meet you all yesterday and thanks so much for working so hard and getting so much done despite there being so few of us!! Good luck to Matt for your half at the weekend, that sub 2 is yours for the taking! Hopefully see you at another GoodGym run soon! Remember to check the website for other ways you can get involved

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