Daniel Lavella


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Daniel Lavella
Daniel Lavella has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Friday 6th September 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Daniel Lavella has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Daniel is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Daniel Lavella
Daniel Lavella went on a group run

Fri 6th Sep 2019 at 10:30am

UnbeLEAVEable first class effort!!

Report written by Sarah Place

41 amazing volunteers from Skycanner walked 2km to help clear leaves at Brunswick Square Garden!

What a successful morning that was! After meeting at the office at 10:30 we walked together to Brunswick Square Garden where Liz was eagerly awaiting us! She helps maintain the garden along with Camden Council and a handful of other volunteers who are all part of the Friends of Brunswick Square.

After a short briefing and glove distribution everyone got to work! The aim of the game was trying to clear as many leaves from the flower beds as possible. When it rains the leaves soak up all the water and therefore prevent the plants underneath getting any for themselves which obviously eventually means that they might die.. which no one wants as they provide a thriving habitat for many bugs and creatures.

Within minutes, big buckets and huge white bags were being filled with crispy leaves. Some rakes and brushes also shortly appeared which made it a lot easier to get the hidden leaves amongst rose bushes and other thorny shrubs.

After about 50 minutes we'd filled all the bags, packed them down and then filled them some more! When the final bag was full we took everything to the front of the garden for some photos as proof of all your hard work!! Liz had kindly brought some biscuits along too which went down an absolute storm!

A small group helped Liz take the tools back to the "coffin" which apparently was quite literally a coffin! We then said our goodbyes and headed back to the office, just in time for lunch.. NICE!

Great work everyone! Thanks for getting so stuck in at the task and being patient with lack of tools and just using your initiative and getting on with it. Liz was SO appreciative and you've saved her and her team of volunteers a load of time and effort so big thank you from them. If you enjoyed the morning then don't forget to check out other GoodGym runs, there are loads of events you can get involved in and meet some lovely people along the way! Have a lovely weekend and hopefully see you at a GoodGym run soon!

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