Isobel McFarland


Good Deeds

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Doing good since October 2019

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland cheered by other people 25 times. 🤩

Wednesday 4th December



Isobel McFarland cheered by other people 25 times.

Isobel is part of a crowd that's making a huge noise. Isobel has been cheered by 25 people - that's a round of applause just on their own. We hope they keep it up.

Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland went on a mission

Tue 3rd Dec at 6:00pm

Delivering food to Mrs V

Hackney Report written by Isobel McFarland

Successfully delivered 4 portions of soup

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland signed up to a mission.

Tue 3rd Dec at 6:00pm

Deliver hot meal to Mrs N

These items do not require payment eg a foodbank delivery

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Saturday 8th June

Easy 10

Easy 10

Isobel McFarland completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym.

Isobel has done 10 good deeds. They are a trusted GoodGym runner and are now eligible to join their local TaskForce.

Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland signed up to a mission.

Sat 8th Jun at 1:00pm

Charity clearance for Mrs R (flexible)(wk1)

This will really help her to move forward in life.

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland went to a document check

Mon 20th May at 6:05pm

Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland signed up to a document check.

Mon 20th May at 6:05pm

Get your docs checked

Meet Simon at The Arsenal Community Hub

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland went on a mission

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 at 1:00pm

Clearing Ms B’s balcony

Hackney Report written by Isobel McFarland

Successfully cleared and washed Ms B’s balcony, and stayed for a lovely chat afterwards!

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Isobel McFarland
Isobel McFarland signed up to a mission.

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 at 1:00pm

Clearing a balcony for Ms B

This will improve her overall wellbeing and relieve pressure to complete the task as she is currently feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities

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