Lisa W


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Windsor and Maidenhead

Litter pick at the Maidenhead United Coffee Morning
🗓Today 11:30am

📍Maidenhead Athletic Club SL6 1BN

Litter picking, bingo, cake, fitness and more!

Amy LJen FrancisDiya SinghTessaLisa W
6 GoodGymers are going
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Lisa W
Lisa W signed up to a community mission.

Fri 20th Sep at 11:30am

Amy L
Lisa W
Lisa W went on a community mission

Sun 1st Sep at 9:00am

4 Act Festivities

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Norden Farm's Kite Festival was on today and GoodGym was on hand to help out all day from start until the end.

Act 1: Sol joined the first shift helping with the set up which included unloading and assembling tables, chairs and wind banners. She did a round of litter pick around the site as well.

Act 2: Diya and Kanika got to escort Nordenia, the queen of Norden Farm, around the park. She has grown much taller in this past year! They then litter picked around the site, enjoying the multitude of kites dotting the sky (and the ground). Another round with Nordenia and some more litter pick ended their shift.

Act 3: Roberta and Sheila took up the mantle of Nordenia escorting and litter picking. They spotted another GoodGymmer Lisa who was around in Norden Farm's yellow rather than GG red helping out on the day as well. Angela got the very tough task (no, seriously) of guarding the separate area for professional kite fliers. She spent her entire shift baking in the sun!

Act 4: Georgeta joined Sheila to help with the end of day take down. It wasn't easy as nobody wanted to leave with the weather being so good and warm. They managed to get some gazebos packed up and litter picked the site one final time. And Georgeta took some beautiful close-ups of a few stunning kites.

An absolutely brilliant event that we love supporting and great to see it be such a success!

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Amy L

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Lisa W

Mon 2nd Sep at 1:09pm

Lovely photos and report. Such a good community day with perfect weather!

Lisa W
Lisa W completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥳

Thursday 11th April

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Lisa W completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Lisa has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Amy L
Lisa W
Lisa W went on a community mission

Thu 11th Apr at 4:00pm

An Awesome Foursome

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Lisa, Angela and Sheila helped out at Nature's Haven, joined a little bit later by Roberta after she had finished her day's work. Today was a very exciting day. After all the shrub cutting, shredding, root extraction and ground digging over the last few weeks by Goodgymmers and other volunteers, we actually got to plant some fruit trees! The ground was raked over, and some very special fertiliser from an exclusive restaurant was applied, and we were ready to go. Angela and Lisa dug three deep holes, and planted three cordon apple trees. After some consultation about the precise positioning, the fourth hole was dug and planted with a step-over apple tree. What an awesome foursome! We then planted some perennials and bluebells as groundcover between the trees. We gave them all a good watering, and stood back to admire our work. It was great to see the transformation of this area, and look forward to some scrumping in the future!

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Tue 16th Apr at 10:39am

How wonderful to have reached the planting stage! Well done all of you for your contributions to this project

Lisa W
Lisa W signed up to a community mission.

Thu 11th Apr at 4:00pm

Amy L
Lisa W
Lisa W went on a community mission

Sat 24th Feb at 8:45am

Clearing tree branches in Widbrook

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Lisa and Sol joined the friends of Maidenhead Waterways for a Saturday morning session to help to clear river stream.

There was a last minute change of the location due to a high water level in Cookham. We ended up working at the Widbrook Common, which had been our usual location over last two months.

We split into two groups and headed to the furthest edge of Widbrook Common to clear tree branches clogging up the stream.

We worked from the bank with long rakes and pulled branches and weeds out to open up the stream. We worked our way back and tidied up where needed. We had our well earned tea-break in the meadow. Coffee and biscuits tasted so delicious in the countryside setting.

This marked the end of working on the Widbrook Common, as the bird nesting season will start and no more distractions intended to the wildlife.

Next sessions will be working in the town centre to improve the York stream.

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Amy L

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Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Sat 2nd Mar at 8:45am

Great job, love the photos too! 👏👏👏🤩

Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Sun 3rd Mar at 12:10pm

Great work team! 💪 Looks like a cold morning 🥶

Lisa W
Lisa W went on a community mission

Sat 10th Feb at 2:00pm

The Hole of the Century

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

An amazing 8 Goodgymmers gave up their Saturday afternoon to help prepare the Community Allotment for Spring and get it all spruced up for Theresa May's visit next week. We had a long list of tasks, so decided to divide and conquer. Angela and Rosie took on covering the raised bed frames with netting, and used their best sewing and patchwork skills to cover the frames to keep out the butterflies. Rachel, Gillian and Lisa weeded around the trees, raspberries, spinach and a couple of the beds. Meanwhile Sheila strimmed the grass Nicola and Matthew took on the compost area, moving the woody material to uncover some beautiful compost underneath. You could tell it was good stuff - it was full of wriggling pink worms. They used this to mulch around the newly- weeded areas. We were joined briefly by Daniel who passed by and came to join in - maybe he will join Goodgym in the future. Our last task was to dig a trial hole in an area that may be used for some fruit trees in the future, which Matthew and Nicola gamely took on. Once they had got past the bramble roots, they reported that the soil was quite easy to dig. We then discovered that this was Nicola's 100th Good Deed, which had crept under the radar. Congratulations, Nicola! Epic! We shall celebrate properly soon.

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Sun 11th Feb at 10:42pm

What a lovely big group and super productive session! 👏

Lisa W
Lisa W signed up to a community mission.

Sat 24th Feb at 8:45am

Friends of Maidenhead Waterways work party

Help clear Maidenhead Waterways of weeds and debris

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Amy L
Lisa W
Lisa W signed up to a community mission.

Sat 10th Feb at 2:00pm

Amy L
Lisa W
Lisa W went on a community mission

Sat 6th Jan at 8:45am

Most flooded of Waterways sessions

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

It was a nice clear morning to start the weekend with a Waterways session at the local Widbrook Common Stream.

The session started very positively with exchanging greetings as we pulled up the waders. Then Clara said: there is some stone in the boot and had to get out of waders again to get it out. She actually found Tesla keys (looked like a Tesla credit card to be honest) in one of wader's boot. Amy jumped into joy and screamed: my Tesla key!!

She had lost Tesla during her previous Waterways session.

Afterwards, we headed to the Widbrook stream and soon discovered that the meadow was flooded with the excess rain water and we had to walk through knee-deep water just to get to the starting point.

We relied on a pile of recently cut wood logs to put our bags and tried to establish where the firm gound stops and the stream bed starts.

Phil and Paul were wading in the stream and we helped from the river bank. The water flowed as did the conversations and laughs as we pulled the reeds out of the stream.

This felt like an adventurous session, where we are not quite sure where the safe ground is and it creates that feeling of what if we cannot get out of here?

At one point, Clara stepped a bit too far into the stream and started to get stuck in the mud. Amy was by her side and heard a very polite: Please can you help me?

This was the first Coffee break standing in the water and leveraging termos and biscuits on pallets positioned on the higher ground. Water logged Coffee break will certainly be a memory of 2024!!!

We reached the fence that marked the meadow's end and our task was completed for the day!

We slowly headed back across the flooded meadow and it felt as if the water level was even more higher than in the morning. Talk about that visual illusion!

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Amy L

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Sat 6th Jan at 3:00pm

You've captured the morning perfectly Sol - really well done! Such an adventure, but so much and we made a real difference. A Saturday morning very well spent! xx

Jess Smith

Sat 6th Jan at 3:09pm

Wow! Very soggy indeed! Well Done everyone!!

Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Sat 6th Jan at 4:22pm

Great report Sol, beautifully written, I felt like I had gone back and done it all over again!!!
