Melisa Thomas


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Melisa Thomas
Melisa Thomas has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🥇

Tuesday 8th January 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Melisa Thomas has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Melisa is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Nicky West
Melisa Thomas
Melisa Thomas went on a group run

Tue 8th Jan 2019 at 6:45pm

I can't see too clearly now the lights have gone but Watt a De-light-ful time!!

Kingston upon Thames Report written by Richmond runner

What a start to 2019....

15 runners came together in the freezing January cold to get warm and do good! Oh and maybe some extra challenges inbetween.

We started by welcoming Melisa on her first GoodGym run, as well as Alice who ran with Richmond on their launch in 2016 and Jo joined us on her second run too!

We all struggled with co-ordination and stamina, probably due to too many mince pies and mulled wine, which was evident during Marks warm up but we powered through (if only to stay warm)

We then ran a steady pace towards the infamous Surbiton hill, another January challenge! It was no match for us though as the thought of Kate's maple syrup biscuits awaiting us back at base kept our legs moving on up!

We arrived at SeeAbility ready for the task that awaited us. Before Christmas we were lucky enough to be able to visit SeeAbility and decorate the house with Christmas lights and tonight it was our job to take them back down again and get the place looking fresh for the new year. After saying hello to the young residents who lived there we divided into teams and got to work. Martel was awesome at getting us into our stride and had organised everything for us so well!

It felt like Lampoons Vacation in reverse (with all those lights) as we negotiated with the ladder, scissors and so much stretching (sun salutation warm up worked well Mark) to reach the hooks - Well done to Rob getting that last fairy light off the hook. We also removed all the decorations from the windows and then gave them a good wash to finish off and to make sure the front and back garden were ready for the new year we removed leaves and planted fresh flowers in the flower beds at the front.

We set off back to Guildhall once all the lights were back in their boxes and thought that was our good deed done for the night...but no , as we jogged back we found ourselves helping a poor gentleman who had taken a tumble and had hit his head. After 2 calls to 999, we were advised a 4 hour wait for an ambulance, but were in luck when an kind passer-by who happened to be a nurse came to the rescue - not all heroes wear capes! Big thank you to Kate and Nicky (our heroes) for waiting with the gentlemen and making sure he was cared for!

And well done tonight to everyone, hopefully that's all the head banging done for the year - see you next week and remember to keep logging those runs for the January Challenge!

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Nicky WestMark BarunLaura WallerKate Haworth

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Melisa Thomas

Wed 9th Jan 2019 at 2:40pm

Thank you, everyone, for being so welcoming and friendly! I really enjoyed meeting you, and to participating in my first group run! I shall attend more runs in the future, and I look forward to seeing you then! Kind regards, Melisa.

Nicky West

Wed 9th Jan 2019 at 5:03pm

It was great having you on the run and you were fantastic at the task Melisa! You are super speedy too!! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Melisa Thomas
Melisa Thomas signed up to a group run.

Tue 8th Jan 2019 at 6:45pm

Help Seeability clear away the Christmas decorations

Clear a space for a fresh start for the residents at this home

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Nicky WestKate Haworth