Roddy Black


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Roddy Black
Roddy Black went on a group run

Tue 17th Sep at 6:20pm

New (Super) Moon on Tuesday

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

It was a Great Moon, but was it really a Super Moon?

Our regular corner of Queen Square was a bit congested with filming happening nearby AGAIN (Young Sherlock?) and we even had our own security guards who were Very Chatty Indeed. Not convinced it was just the caffeine from the Monster can talking...

We set off for a lovely sunny walk or run to Dame Emily Park with lots of other people out and about enjoying the warm evening. Melanie found a phone before we'd even left the square, and that will shortly be posted off to it's owner who'd been on a visit day to Bristol from Swindon. Obviously the phone preferred Bristol, who wouldn't?

The next find was a highland cow badge, but like Jason by the M Shed, it set my camera focus to "obscure" to avoid publicity.

At the park, the runners had just beaten the walkers and Ursula was explaining the wildlife work of the evening - cutting back an overgrown hedge that was also home to a tall sycamore trying to take over, finding the bulbs and rescuing the pollen-y plants that had been trampled, clearing the tarmac waster, salvaging the wood and digging over another trampled flower bed and having loads of fun in the process.

  • The hedge was soon looking smaller (I'm not sure about tidier...), with some high wielding of long-handed shears and loppers by Caroline, Vaguely Northern Darren, Ed and Jason
  • Ciaran took the saw to sort out the sycamore and was joined by Marianne who relinquished her colour-matched secateurs to make sure the big branches weren't falling too far from the tree
  • A few bulbs and some salvaged plants were set aside by Azzurra and Kim and the soil sieved to remove errant rocks
  • A big pile of wood emerged from the tarmac and rocks and neither Richard nor Roddy fell in the small pond - the wood will be great for making the bug and hedehog hotels

And we created a new job of transforming the fallen sycamore into whips that can be used to weave a low level wildlife-friendly hedge around the pond (which, I stress, no one fell into).

As the lovely sunlight faded, the moon was looking HUGE and we later discovered it was a Super Moon - but we liked it before we knew it had a posh name. We loved the lemon and ginger tea and biscuits Ursula had carried over with her, and offered to help put away all the tools but we think Ursula may have wanted some peaceful time to enjoy the Super Moon herself, and probably wanted everything put away in the right places...

Off we trotted, walking and running back to Queen Square and saw the security guards had moved a bit and it was different guards on duty so we snuck past them and headed on to Workout where we avoided being dragged into the Speed Dating and the Liverpool supporters were sad when AC Milan scored in the third minute. But all came good in the end.

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Melanie Young

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Bristol runner

Wed 18th Sep at 10:34am

Good to hear the phone has found an owner 🙂

Roddy Black
Roddy Black signed up to a group run.

Tue 17th Sep at 6:20pm

Group Run - 17 Sep - Wildlife property developing

Helping the wildlife live better lives in Dame Emily Park

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Roddy Black
Roddy Black went on a group run

Tue 20th Aug at 6:20pm

The sifting soil of thyme

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

There's been lots of construction at Dame Emily Park where the Community Garden now has concreted raised beds instead of rotting planters and they've taken the opportunity to sift soil to remove the big- and medium-size stones. With mushroom boxes over buckets to keep it real.

With a team on the main stone-removing, a second team on the in-planter stone removing and a third team weeding, boarding and mulching the berry plants, it was all systems go in the fading sunshine with everyone trying to keep warm.

Discussions included whether slo-mo would make the soul-sifting more action-packed and what music was appropriate for a speeded-up version and whether the Benny Hill theme tune was a saxophone. Full marks to Frances for knowing Yackety Sax.

Azzurra and Janka had made short work of the berry-mulching and, with full protection gloves, set about feeding the nettle soup with more lovely chopped nettles.

The soil-sifters had soon worked through enough soil to have topped up the first planter, with Vaguely Northern Darren and Caroline from the running group working in situ whilst Robin raked and taught them both some German, or Italian, or both.

The soil was then covered in cardboard weighted down with bricks and, because we're super-resourceful, the big stones from the soil sifting. Meanwhile, the medium-sized stones were making a path to the resources shed under the careful eyes of Bruce and Jason with Roddy and Marianne maximising the sifting-per-second speed.

With the work (almost) done, we enjoyed Ursula's refreshments - Blackberry juice and biscuits - and the empty wheelbarrow that had worked hard.

As Vaguely Northern Darren had hurt his back during the task, everyone decided to walk and talk back to Queen Square and onwards to sitting outside at Workout as there was speed dating going on, which we tried not to disrupt - honest!

See you all at the next one - Wednesday lunchtime, Wednesday evening, Friday morning,Bank Holiday Monday or next Tuesday.

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Melanie Young
Roddy Black
Roddy Black signed up to a group run.

Tue 20th Aug at 6:20pm

Group Run - 20 Aug - the sifting soil of time

Spreading GoodGym loveliness at Dame Emily Park

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Roddy Black
Roddy Black has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Tuesday 30th July

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Roddy Black has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Roddy is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Roddy Black
Roddy Black went on a group run

Tue 30th Jul at 6:20pm

A whiff(en) of a clean sweep

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

V hot indeed for a Bristol GoodGym Group Run and a first good deed for Roddy - welcome!

The walking group set a gentle pace on a not-very-direct route taking advantage of the underpass to stay cool on the route with the runners already hard at work when we arrived at School.

Litter picking, sand sifting, planter wandering and leaf sweeping were the orders of the day with lots of us taking advantage of the shade offered by the trees and buildings on a sweltering night. Lyra the dog was in top supervising mode and not letting anyone take the ball from her mouth, as usual.

Having discovered that the Daily Mile is a whopping 16 laps of the painted track, we opted to eat cake instead before being forced into the evening sunshine for a pretty photo.

Not so much taking in this heat but we made up for it back at Workout's ClubHaus, out by the river and watching the Olympic swimming on the big screen, celebrating Ireland's Wiffen's Olympic Record performance in the not-at-all boring 800m freestyle and watching the rowers pass on the New Cut - picture perfect GoodGymming.

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Melanie Young
Roddy Black
Roddy Black signed up to a group run.

Tue 30th Jul at 6:20pm

Group Run - 30 Jul - More Hannah More

Spreading GoodGym loveliness at school

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