0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Sat 27th Jan 2018 at 9:30am
Kick start your new year and run to do good in Lambeth
Read moreSaturday 11th February 2017
Tamasin Byrne has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Tamasin is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Saturday 11th February 2017
Tamasin Byrne connected Strava.
Tamasin has got Strava connected. Strava is a great way to track your progress.
Saturday 11th February 2017
Tamasin Byrne completed their first run in a new area.
Curious? Tamasin has just run their first session in another area. For that explorative spirit Tamasin is awarded the scout badge. A Scout is trustworthy
Sat 11th Feb 2017 at 9:45am
Come snow or sunshine, we run & today was no exception with 12 brave weather-farers running and then working very hard for Surrey Docks Farm.
One windy, snowy Saturday morning, we met at the farm with the Pigs spooning to prove how chilly it was. It was hello to lots of new faces and welcome back to some friends: time to warm up!
With the Thames Path on offer, we ran in the shadow of Canary Wharf to one of the parks. Not content with a jog, lunge, squat-on-the-spot warm up, we had two quick rounds of Bulldog. Sprinting and catching each other soon got the hearts pumping and was a chance to forget about the snow.
Quick loop onwards to circuits
Those who attended Wednesday's run were a little ginger in their arm strength so the focus was legs...
Squat hold, lunge jump, ssspppprrriiiinnnttt
Side plank, side plank, ssssppprrriiinnnttt
Mountain climber, burpee, sssspppppprrriiiiinnnnttt
No chance for the cold to set in! Fitness session completed, we ran back to Farm ready to meet Lucy who had 3 jobs for us all to rotate on.
First job: woodchipping the wildlife garden. There was a pile of warm and steaming woodchip that needed shovelling, wheeling and spreading out.
The second job involved collecting and chopping sticks from a felled tree and sticking them in the goat mound for them to chew on the bark. This was a particularly good distraction for task three where we needed the goats out of the way.
A trip to the farm wouldn't be complete without something to do with muck so the third task was almost necessary... mucking out the goat house and goat run. Those goats can seriously produce some stuff and with 36 goat kids gestating, they need to be kept as clean as we can.
20 minutes per task and rotate so we all got a go and everything / *one group wasn't muck ridden the whole time!
James, one of the main farm hands, also showed us how the woodchip is used to help create bacteria to encourage plant growth and also showed us how their manure tunnel creates a gas which can power their kettle!
Exercise, farming and science!
As ever, a morning at the farm is a pretty neat way to pass the time!