AIM Community

Supporting young people through mentoring, education and the creative arts, helping all to reach their potential.

14 GoodGymers have supported AIM Community with 2 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BournemouthGroup run
Grace ComptonAbi Thommes
Daryl VennerStephanie Jedtke

Flyer of Fancy

Wednesday 17th October 2018

Written by Bournemouth runner

Despite the drizzly weather 11 super runners braved the great outdoors and congregated at Flirt Cafe.

We welcomed Tara to her first ever group run and although being concerned about our pace...did a magnificent job and fitted in perfectly! Steffi had also recently become a member and today was able to join us for the group run but also had her documents checked by Daryl which means she'll be able to go on mission as well as Coach runs as soon as her DBS comes through. Well done Steffi!

Hope to have you two join the group regularly!

The AIM was to run around the Westbourne area and deliver flyers for the YMCA but also for AIM Community and their fundraiser that they are holding this Sunday. Tickets availabe still, so please get booking!

After a warm up the gang was ready to go and we made our way along the back roads to get to the lovely neighbourhood of Westbourne. On the first road we encountered lots of flats with no letterboxes and after a quite a few hit and misses we decided to run a little further and try new roads. We had a lot more success in this area and split up into two teams. One on either side of the road leap frogging and making sure we didn't double up on each other.

It took quite a bit of expertise to protect the leaflets from the drizzle and then also manage to put them through the letter boxes without crumpling them up! From folding them and then slipping them in to having them pop back out when you moved your hand back took quite a bit of skill to get the job done!

When we were running low we managed to find our way back and not once did anyone complain about the weather, and we didn't even have anyone slip on the leaves or step in a puddle! What a professional team performance!!!

Remember to contact Daryl if you would like to volunteer at the Moors Valley Dark run on the 10th November!

Thank you to Daryl for checking Steffi's Documents, Caprice for back marking and Lee for his photography skills!

Well done everyone and well done for not being put off by the drizzle! Sweet dreams and see you all next week

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BournemouthCommunity mission
LauraNeil ArmsteadMillieDaryl Venner

Soil Train

Saturday 11th August 2018

Written by Bournemouth runner

4 amazing humans joined forces on a Saturday morning to run 5.6km each way to help out a new great organisation. Have a look at their website and get involved with them if you can.

We were greeted by Adele upon our arrival, who had used GoodGym previously when she lived in London, but it was the first time meeting us after trying to find the right time and task to get us involved. It's a bit far for our weekly group run so we decided to make a Community Mission out of it. Our first ever Community Mission in Bournemouth.

We were tasked with filling a planter with soil to be able to plant an acer bush. After trying a few methods to see what was the most efficient we found our groove. From shoveling into wheelbarrows then pushing those up a plant and some steps to then shoveling the soil in the planter to just squat lifting the wheelbarrow and just emptying it in the planter! No nonsense, just pure power!

After finishing with the planter we even had time to clear up some paints and pots, move a bit of furniture around and have a chat about how we could help out in the future. I'm sure we'll get something organised again.

Well done, Millie on running your first 10k! excellent effort mixed in with an hour of shoveling and squatting. Lovely to have Laura back after she'd been using her school holiday time to do some exploring for the last few weeks. And Neil I hope you found our weather a nice change from your holiday of scorching heat!

See you all Wednesday for some GoodGym Bournemouth Birthday celebrations. Would be great to see as many of you as possible, even if you're injured or haven't been for a while. Come and say hi and hang out!

Have a great weekend!

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