Albert Street Project

Provides meals, clothing and socialising with the homeless

5 GoodGymers have supported Albert Street Project with 3 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BirminghamGroup run
Lizzie Nuttall

Hello Albert!

Sunday 12th January 2020

Written by Jonny Carter

Today we had an extra GoodGym Group run, yep it was the GG Brum starter session. I was joined by Lizzie, to help out the Albert Street Project.

The task was to meet Aygun and her team by Greggs at 11am to collect our goodies and then walk around the city centre giving them out to the homeless. We had sausage rolls, pasties, caramel slices and coffee. We also had some hats, gloves and coats to distribute. One of the best parts of this task is the social interaction with the homeless community. All of them were very appreciative and enjoyed having a quick chat, one even recognised my Yorkshire accent!

Once we had distributed all our stuff, myself and Lizzie said goodbye to Aygun and the team and we headed for a short run to the canal. Liz was going to carry on along to Harbourne as she was doing a long run as part of her Manchester Marathon training. I was heading the other way back down they canal towards Spaghetti junction, therefore we had a quick selfie and then headed on our way.

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BirminghamGroup run
MaceyRobKatie BainbridgeLiam SmithParveen KhanMell

Wagon wheeling around Brum!

Saturday 26th January 2019

Written by Jonny Carter

4 runners ran 3k to help feed and give clothes out to the homeless for The St Albert Street Project

Today we had an unusual Saturday morning GG group run as it was the GoodGym Brum Starter session. It was lovely to welcome mother and daughter Parv and Marcy along for their first GG outing.

After the intro, we went across to Subway to meet the team from the Albert Street project as they gathered supplies together. We set off around the city centre giving out food which included pasties, wagon wheels (hence the pun), hot drinks and hats too the homeless who were all very greatfull. We spent a good half an hour doing our good deed before heading off on our run.

The run was through the town down to St Paul’s square were the group used the benches to do some core work. All of the group put in a good shift showing collective strong cores! Then we headed back to our base, a slightly different location to our usual hub. The hills certainly gave the group a hard workout, you certainly aren’t likely to find any flat routes in Brum! We even added on a little extra for luck, a lap around Colmore Row, to take us up to just shy of 3k. Well done everyone :-)

On Tuesday we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

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