Bath Quakers

Local meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

The Widcombe Burial Ground is a beautiful, tranquil garden. Burials no longer take place but it is used for the scattering of ashes and for occasional gatherings and meetings. Members and attenders of our meeting are remembered when their names are added to the Memorial tablets.

There is restricted parking in Clarendon Road for residents only. However, if you have a Blue Badge for disabled parking, you may use this if you park within a parking bay. There is free parking on Widcombe Hill between The Tyning and Tyning End which is about 5-7 minutes walk away.

7 GoodGymers have supported Bath Quakers with 2 tasks.

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Jer BoonZarghona KhanMaryam NRemoved User
Sam Ollason

Sticky Willie and a chunky robin!

Saturday 17th October 2020

Written by Sam Ollason

This morning 6 GoodGym runners made their way to the peaceful Quaker burial ground in Widcombe to help with some gardening. We were there a few weeks ago for the first time and it was good to be back.

The burial ground has been there for a long time but felt into a bit of disrepair until a few dedicated volunteers started to revive it. The aim is to create a peaceful and relaxing space not just for Quakers to reflect but for the wider public to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet at their leisure.

When we arrived we were delighted to see that the grass seeds we planted a few weeks ago have taken hold and are growing really well.

We had several tasks for today:

  • We cleared away the leaves and debris near the compost area that was covering some old gravestones.
  • We weeded and removed twigs from a flower bed and then laid down cardboard to protect against future weeds springing up. There was lots of so-called 'sticky willie' weed that we removed which was a great job well doe.
  • We dug up a patch of tough grass and sprinkled some wildflower seeds down. As well as the flower seeds we also laid down some yellow rattle seed which will help stop the tough grass growing back while allowing the poppies and foxgloves to grow. When this grows it will make a beautiful walkway from the shed to the centre of the grass.

Throughout the morning we were watched closely by several robins and an inquisitive blackbird! The robin came down for a snack once we left.

Overall it was a very relaxing and peaceful morning making a beautiful spot even better. We will return when we next can!

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BathCommunity mission
Cosmo BornSam OllasonRemoved User

So(i)ldiering away in the mud to improve the Quaker garden!

Saturday 26th September 2020

Written by Sam Ollason

On a crisp autumnal morning 4 GoodGym runners went along to help out at the Quaker Burial ground in Widcombe. The ground is a place for peaceful and quiet reflection and will be opened back up to the public once lockdown measures ease.

Until recently the space was overrun by weeds until a dedicated set of volunteers started improving and tidying the space. We were very excited to go and help out.

One task that Emily took care of was clearing away stones and dirt that had naturally settled on top of some graves and the area around the compost bins. It looks so much better when it was all cleared away.

Another task that Max and Cosmo took care of was weeding the flower bed on the right hand as you go in. They cleared out weeds, stones and branches that have ended up there, ready to make way for some planting in the near future. They were joined for most of the morning by a very friendly robin who was keeping his eyes open for a quick snack!

Last but not least I spent the morning weeding a largely barren patch of earth in front of a deep flower bed. The weeds in the flower bed had grown over the top of this patch and killed the grass. After weeding and removing stones I watered the ground and sowed some new grass seeds. Hopefully in a few weeks time this will be full and lush like it must have been before at some stage.

We enjoyed a really mindful and peaceful morning in this tranquil little spot and we would love to come help out again in the garden. Thanks to Susan for hosting us (and for the very much appreciated tea and biscuits!).

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