21 GoodGymers have supported BBOWT with 25 tasks.

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Slough runner
Slough runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Upcoming sessions
Haymill Nature Reserve Support

Sunday 29th September 2024 10:00am - 1:00pm

Previous sessions
SloughCommunity mission

A thorny issue

Sunday 25th August

Written by Slough runner

Sheila and I met a group of Friends of Haymill and BBOWT volunteers to continue the path clearance from last time.

Loppers, shears, scythes, rakes, strimmer and litter picks at the ready we split into small groups to tackle different sections of the path to cut back the overgrown brambles, nettles, fern and grasses.

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SloughCommunity mission

Cutting back the weeds that bind

Sunday 28th July

Written by Slough runner

Sheila and Jen met BBOWT volunteers and Friends of Haymill and after introductions to new members and a safety briefing we took our tools to base camp. We split out into groups to work on cutting back overgrowth and tidying up the path.

Jen tackled the overgrown entrance gate that was a battle with Brambles, Ivy, Nettles and Bindweed. Sheila and a couple of others joined her to clear the path leading from the gate.

After a coffee break, Sheila returned to the path and Jen stayed to the external pavement to cut back the nettles at child height that were encroaching onto the pavement.

Some of the team amassed some litter as well so all in all a good mornings work.

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SloughCommunity mission
Brenda Simpson

We were at the Cutting (H)edge...

Sunday 28th April

Written by Slough runner

Jen and Brenda met Bob and the BBOWT amd Friends of Haymill volunteers on a rainy morning.

The only job today was to work our way along the outside of the perimeter fence, cutting back the hedge that was encroaching on, and taking over in places, the public pavement.

Brambles and Ivy were kept in check with loppers whilst the rake and brush were put to good use to clear up the cuttings so we could move them back in the undergrowth by the fence.

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SloughCommunity mission

The King(fisher) has fallen, long live the King(fisher)

Sunday 24th March

Written by Slough runner

Our first job today was to rescue the vandalised Kingfisher sculptures one of which had been thrown into the stream.

We then split into two teams, one team coppicing the Hazel trees, with Phil from friends of Haymill branching out to slash the greenery back from encroaching on the path. The coppicing team included Sheila who is handy with a saw and loppers.

Team two split into sub teams with Pepsi and Jenny donning waders and starting to build a more natural second dam and Bob and Jen chopping down more branches to act as stakes for the dam.

We even managed to fit a litter pick in too so a good morning all round with a great workout.

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SloughCommunity mission

Channelling our efforts

Sunday 28th January

Written by Slough runner

Sheila and Jen joined 11 other volunteers from Friends of Haymill/BBOWT and headed to the reed beds where our main task was to bring some life back to the reed bed area.

This entailed digging channels to enable the water to spread further across the area, raking and removing the old reeds which had been cut down on Thursday, chopping back some vegetation and there was even scope for a litter pick and an attempt at refitting a gate which had been removed and dumped further in the reserve.

It was definitely a morning of heavy labour and good teamwork. It was so satisfying to see the clean, clear water running along the newly dug channels and to feel the newly watered ground squelching beneath our feet as we left.

Doing good, feels good; doing good outdoors, surrounded by nature, with the winter sun shining down - feels even better.

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SloughCommunity mission

Litter-ally my 5 year anniversary.

Sunday 27th August 2023

Written by Slough runner

It was 27th August 2018 (Bank Holiday Monday) when I turned up at Salt Hill Activity Centre to find out what Goodgym Slough was all about because my usual bootcamp didnt run on bank hols and I wanted to be active/keep fit.

What better way to celebrate than my first of two Good Deeds today. First a return visit to help Friends of Haymill and Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) with some more overgrowth cutting to keep the path through the reserve clear.

It was all oaky dokey as long as we left the oak saplings in situ. As 'b'rambled along the path cutting back nettles, brambles and holly, we encountered a tree with a snapped branch making it difficult to navigate the path. I can't remember who 'saw' it first but a quick hack and it was down.

Some of us then turned our hands to litter picking although this all became a bit 'tyre' ing when we found an old bicycle wheel.

Before long it was 12.45 and time to (chocolate) wrap (per) up for the morning. A quick tool count and a shorter walk back to the BBOWT Landrover and it was time to head home.

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