We are a community of people in Brighton and Hove who believe that everyone should have access to affordable, local, quality food. We run weekly a pop-up shop in Hollingdean, WhiteHawk, Mile Oak, Coldean. We source surplus and donated high quality, local, fresh food and turn it into an affordable weekly shop for those that need it most, at a fraction of what it would normally cost. We are changing our local food systems making then fairer, more resilient and more sustainable and we operate for our members and are run by our members. We are BrightStore!
3 GoodGymers have supported BrightStore with 1 task.
Tuesday 11th May 2021
Written by Tara Shanahan
Three Goodgymmers found their reason to run on a Tuesday afternoon by heading to the hilly Hollingbury community centre to help social supermarket BrightStore close down and pack away all the food left over from a busy day serving the local community a variety of food at discounted prices.