11 GoodGymers have supported Bristol Parks - Friends of St George’s Park with 5 tasks.
Saturday 18th June 2022
Written by Nathalie Levi
A very efficient and not actually that hot at all task was had at St George’s Park this morning. We made quick work of emptying a big bag of sunbaked compost and wheelbarrowing many spadefuls of it over to the community garden to fill up a big new planter. Then, in what is quickly becoming a luxury we’re getting accustomed to, we were treated to coffees and cake from the kiosk. Obviously well-earned!
Saturday 16th April 2022
Written by Nathalie Levi
A delightful sunny morning shifting a big bag of compost into the lovely new planter in the St George’s Park community garden. Wheelbarrows at the ready we made fast work of loading up the soil and getting it over from the delivery spot near the bowling green, perfecting the ‘double wheelbarrow down the steps’ technique. We were then treated to some cold cans of fizzy drink and a very necessary ice cream. Excellent tasking all round.
Saturday 22nd January 2022
Written by Nathalie Levi
The weather was finally with us for the long awaited great St George’s Park excavation. An intrepid team of highly skilled GoodGyarcheologists set about the central bed, turning over centuries of compacted earth to reveal the treasures within; clay pipes, bits of old plate, ice cream spoons and a lighter. These were carefully collected by the esteemed Sara and taken back for scientific analysis (to Liz’s house - the park volunteer who lives two doors down from me). As all experienced archaeologists know, you can’t make groundbreaking discoveries without breaking up some actual ground and digging out all the old plants, roots and weeds. We left the central bed transformed, emptied of treasures and ready to be replanted next week. Then celebrated with coffee and cakes at the kiosk.
Saturday 13th November 2021
Written by Nathalie Levi
What greater thrill than digging round the edge of an overgrown raised bed on a Saturday morning and then going for a triumphant coffee and cake? That’s what the four of us did in this deeply satisfying and perfectly formed task in the deeply satisfying and perfectly formed St George’s Park. The central bed in St George’s park has now been restored to its hexagonal (or was it heptagonal? octagonal? not sure, did anyone count?) glory ready for some new sleepers to be put in, and lots of weedy soil bagged up and wheelbarrowed away. Looking forward to coming back in the spring to do some planting.
Sunday 12th September 2021
Written by Nathalie Levi
…in the best possible way! Six intrepid Good Gymmers headed out to new terrain (St George’s Park) for a spot of litter picking. The sun came out for a glorious hour of idyllic rubbish removal around the park. Then we gathered by the tennis courts to celebrate six bags less trash out in the greenery. Keep your eyes peeled for what will hopefully become a more regular Good Gym task.