Friends of Bostall Heath Woods

Woodland Maintenon

9 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Bostall Heath Woods with 42 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Helping Out at Bostall Woods 🌲

Sunday 29th September 2024 12:30pm - 2:15pm

Previous sessions
BexleyCommunity mission

Woodn’t Believe How Good It Looks

Thursday 11th April

Written by Removed User

Another successful morning for the Bostall Wood crew. It was time to cut down some trees to carry on with the path border which i must say is looking very impressive. We were learning new skills as we went along from chopping of the trees to pinning them along the footpaths Back again next week and would love to see you there 

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonMarianna Chernobrivenko

Bostal woods

Sunday 31st March

Written by Marianna Chernobrivenko

It was great, we cleaned paths and removed some fallen trees.

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BexleyCommunity mission

Easter Holly Day

Thursday 28th March

Written by Tim Dickson

Today we we cut back large amounts of Holly bush to try and free the woodlands path ways. Working like real pros  it didn't take long make some real progress along our pathways. Thanks for all the hard work Team 

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim Dickson

Building Pathways

Thursday 14th March

Written by Tim Dickson

Lovely morning repairing pathways in Bostall woods. Its so great to get out and learn from other volunteers about the upkeep of the woodlands, its so interesting.

Guys make sure you sign up for the next one, you never regret to working and chatting in the great outdoors.

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BexleyCommunity mission

Clearing leaves is nature's way of telling you it's time for a crunchy stroll!

Thursday 18th January

Written by Jenna

Fab morning clearing leaves from the path in Bostall Woods, as well as cutting back holly and bramble bushes. Oh and a little fence maintenance too. Great morning in the woodlands, and lots of joy and appreciation from passers by of our work. 😄

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BexleyCommunity mission
Tim DicksonRemoved UserJulian Osman
John D Wren

We Must Have Been Daft’odil To Be Planting Bulbs in Todays Weather 🌧️

Sunday 29th October 2023

Written by Tim Dickson

What a great turn out for the Bostall Woods mission today. As we showed up the heavens decided to open and down came the rain. Todays mission was a lovely one, we had a ton of daffodil bulbs to plant around the trees along with bluebells and snowdrops near the woods benches.

With some of the team looking after the planting the others took on the task of clearing the pathways to the ladies and gents toilets. Although we got through a lot of the task the rain finally got the better of us as it just didn't let off.

Well done team, it was great seeing you all this afternoon. Until the next mission 🙌🏻

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