31 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Brook Green with 13 tasks.
Tuesday 6th February 2024
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
A warm welcome back to Matteo (even if the weather itself wasn't all that warm) saw us help out at Brook Green raking up the leaves that sought to bury the raised beds that gave the area such colour.
A late arrival by Biscuits saw a good bolstering of our forces and led us to leaving Brook Green a lot tidier than we found it!
Tuesday 18th April 2023
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
Another wonderful time helping Donnatella at Brook Green with a variety of Jobs. We spent much of the time once again clearing the leaves from the flower beds opposite the tennis courts; using my favourite tools the giant dinosaur hands (or leaf scoopers) to put them into the compost bins.
We then started helping with planting some plugs to hopefully create a natural green barrier around some areas of the green before leaving before it got too dark.
Lovely to see Maria on one of her first goodgym missions with us and Holly whose trying to find a new home Goodgym after moving to London from Oxford!
See you all next time!
Tuesday 21st February 2023
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
Welcome and thanks to Jack for choosing us to do a spot of Goodgym tourism!
Its amazing how, what looks to be a thin layer of leaves turns into a huge pile of compostable material by the end. Not only did we fill the compost bin but three seperate bags full of the stuff, with a big pile of leaves around the base for good measure!
Thanks to all for coming, see you next time!
Tuesday 20th September 2022
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
Thanks to all who came to Brook Green to help with some tidying up on the communal greens.
We raked up many of the leaves covering the ground and ripped out the weeds that had colonised the flower beds. The strangest request I had ever faced came about where someone asked us for some of the leaves that we had been collecting to use in a jewellery advert the next day. Bringing the autumn bling it seems!
Unfortunately I picked up a wee niggle in my ankle so the group run did not go ahead, however hopefully we should be back to it this week!
Tuesday 2nd August 2022
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
On Tuesday evening we managed to wrangle 8 goodgymmers down to Brook Green to help clear out and give a little life to the plants around the edges.
Getting an arm workout in carrying a whole bin of water, we helped rake up the dead grass and leaves littering the ground around the plants whilst giving every plant a solid soaking.
Unfortunately, the ice-cream shop did close an hour earlier than expected, however a cool beverage at the pub was certainly a good way to lift the spirits.
Thanks to all for coming!
Saturday 23rd July 2022
Written by Jonathan (he/him)
6 GoodGymmers came together to help repair the wooden fence we'd put in last year that had been knocked askew by nearby council work.
After taking turn using the bulldog fence rammer tool we helped afix the posts with gardening twine to ensure it stays in place this time.
We also helped clear out the dead leaf and plant matter that was enveloping the ground around the posts. Finally, we gave all the burgeoning trees a healthy dose of water to ensure that they stayed healthy and strong during this extended dry period were going through.
A nice day out, complemented by ice-cream and coffee at the end.