Hammersmith Community Gardens Association

89 GoodGymers have supported Hammersmith Community Gardens Association with 30 tasks.

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

Just a little off the sides and top please mate

Tuesday 4th June

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

Back to Godolphin gardens and the hedges had the temerity to grow a couple of inches since we last visited, which would simply not do!

I took them to task with a wonderful pair of clippers and gave them a great new haircut to match my own, making sure the back of the gardening beds were available to the other volunteers!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
John D Wren

Trim Trimmny Trim Trimmny, Trim Trim Trim, Trim Trim

Tuesday 14th May

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A lovely Tuesday evening saw three Goodgymmers head down to Godolphin gardens to give the hedges a wonderful back and sides.

Its always lovely to get compliments from passers-by, with one person enquiring whether John could be hired to tidy up her garden!

Three bags of trim later (one had already been popped in a bin), we decided to call it an evening.

Thanks all!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run


Tuesday 16th April

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

I continued a one man mission to reduce the alkanet population at Loris community gardens, they must think some weird alkanet-based fairy keep emerging and filling their bins!

A successful solo mission tonight with a quick run as well before hand on tired legs still not fully recovered from the marathon!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

Out and about!

Friday 29th March

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

Lovely to be in Loris Gardens again.

Took a fork and went to work digging out a lot of the blue alkanet that had taken over some of the beds.

Also got to see a tawny mining bee (pictured) taking a break on one of the leaves. This is a solitary bee species that only emerges April to May time, so a good way of knowing that spring has sprung upon us.

A lovely time out in the Sun, capped off either side by a little run to try and get some fitness back!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
JonathanPippa A

He's bottled it!

Thursday 22nd February

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A solo group run as I made myself down to the riverfront and collected trash from down by the rivertree.

Rich pickings tonight as I got many a plastic bottle washed up on the shore, meaning my small bin bag was quickly filled!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
John D Wren

Finding the alka-net benefit!

Tuesday 13th February

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

In a classic display of hubris, I got the wrong date and time for a mission so had to think of one on the fly.

Luckily just around the corner was a regular haunt of ours Loris gardens and some pesky alkanets that needed some attention so off we went!

We also saw several marks of spring, with buds on the trees and a little bee queen escorted to safety off the path.

Thanks to all for coming! This week we are at Loris Gardens (promise!)

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