Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre

Empowering the Capital's communities through volunteering, employment and training.

24 GoodGymers have supported Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre with 13 tasks.

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

We're in a bind!

Tuesday 9th July

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A late cancellation left us scrabbling for a task on a muggy and spitting day.

Fortunately Goldolphin gardens came to the rescue, where I went along and detangled it of bindweed which was covering some of the hedges.

Initially thinking pickings were quite slim, managed to get a decent haul and in the bin!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

Little walk, little pick!

Tuesday 7th May

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

Due to a very late cancellation, it was left to a litter pick around the local area to keep it looking good!

A lovely walk in the sunny afternoon saw wrappers, bottles and packaging all picked up and plonked away into the bins.

A little tidier for all!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
JonathanPippa A

Clean out that closet!

Thursday 7th March

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

We headed up to the Kathy Dolan Centre to help tidy up the cupboards of their kitchen.

We found a number of wonders, including a number of CDs and Western tapes.

Thanks so much for coming!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

Sweeping up!

Thursday 1st February

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A good little job with Susannah where we cleaned up the tool cupboard round the back of community centre.

In a spate of quick thinking, we used the dry leaves as a mulch on top of the raised beds they've put in around the site.

Always a pleasure to help out!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
Athene JollandsJames MaxwellRemoved UserRebecca DunlopClaire Murphy

So Long, and Thanks for All the Quiz

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Written by Polly Skeats-Beswick

We started the night off with an update on our January target. 38 good deeds had been done already! 8 of which had been by Jason - give him a cheer. Our 200km distance target had been totally smashed, with another 440km on top. Check out the latest here.

The task for the evening took us down to Wentworth Court Communal Hall to meet Catherine from Community Champions. We had been asked to help deliver a flyer around the Bayonne estate to promote a group trip to Kew Gardens (family entry for just £1) and some of their events including yoga, mindfulness and creative movement.

Catherine gave the group a brief introduction to the work they do and the leaflet, then we split up into three teams of four. Each with a section of the estate to target.

In no time at all, nearly all the estate had been covered and runners were back at the meeting point ready for a run back via the river.

The run back included: fixed point repetitions, a silent fitness session and a 30s wall squat finish.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Quiz

Then onto our January social, organised by Will. This included a delicious meal at Wagamama, a quiz and an unplanned mindfulness colouring intermission. Thanks Will.

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
SarahLauren AullRebecca CorbettRemoved UserSimone Van KlaverenPolly Skeats-Beswick

Leaf(let) it out, no Jason?!

Tuesday 14th November 2017

Written by Polly Skeats-Beswick

The line up

Since the launch of Hammersmith and Fulham Goodgym, there has been one runner who has made it along to every single run. Unfortunately, stifled by a chest infection Jason couldn’t make it along. Hope you feel better soon dude!

On an awesome note we had four brand new Goodgymers - Welcome Lauren, Simone, Josie and Rebecca. And Victoria from Lambeth doing a spot of touristing.

Use your run

We started the night with the usual intro speech and another reminder about the next social on 21st Nov and Putney 10k on 3rd Dec. Then we piled outside for a warmup. Almost forgetting to shoo the chickens at the end - thanks for the reminder Sarah & Johnny.

Then we headed off towards Bayonne Estate to meet two ladies from Community Champions Project for Bayonne & Field Road. An organisation supported by the government to promote good mental health and wellbeing. Tonight we were tasked with delivering their monthly newsletter out to these two estates.

We were given maps of the estates and spilt into two teams of 6. Breaking down into further pairs to tackle a block of flats each.

Both groups cover a huge amount in a short space of time. Managing to get back at the meeting point for 8.10pm and back to the leisure centre in perfect timing.

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