Herbert Road Green Oasis

Community garden
Involve local people in gardening , planting, growing and maintenance of a new green space

2 GoodGymers have supported Herbert Road Green Oasis with 1 task.

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Mulching at the Oasis Community Garden!

Saturday 21st September 2024 10:30am - 11:45am

Previous sessions
GreenwichCommunity mission
Julian OsmanIlariaCharlotte BoatmanUlysse Abbate

Weeded, planted and mulched on Herbert Road

Saturday 8th April 2023

Written by Ulysse Abbate

Today, the team made the most of the non-rainy, non-cold day to help a community group with restoring a community garden outside Edge Hill House.

After a litter pick to clear the surrounding area and clearing weeds, we got to work laying the foundations for the dozen plants to be planted, ready to grow and blossom over the next handful of months!

A strong turnout today, with regular local Goodgym heroes and goodgymmers from outside the borough too! As always, Goodgym is great for meeting new people. On a personal note (written by Ulysse), it was a great way to get back into Goodgymming, after a few months of not having been out on a mission (I'll make up for it in the coming months...).

Let us know how the plants look if you're ever passing the garden, and thanks to all that came!

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