Kingston Rotary

We are people of action making a difference in the community
Kingston Rotary Club was formed in 1922, providing adults in the borough with an opportunity to get involved in local and international community projects and meet like-minded people in the local area. Hands-on volunteering, fundraising, community events, sharing our skills to help local charities develop - these are just some of the activities we get involved in - as well as having a lot of fun!

1 GoodGymer has supported Kingston Rotary with 3 tasks.

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Jassy Drakulic

Sleigh Another Day with the Rotary Club

Thursday 16th December 2021

Written by Jassy Drakulic

I joined many other elf-ful volunteers from the rotary club to accompany Santa and his sleigh around the streets of Surbiton. We danced, waved, and sang to bring some cheer to the neighbourhood and collected donations for the charitable work of the rotary club. It was a very merry evening, with some outstanding Christmas lights and lots of very excited children who came out to say hello-ho-ho.

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