Quernmore Road Project

Making the

30 GoodGymers have supported Quernmore Road Project with 4 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
HaringeyGroup run
NurjehanCatherineDavid MasonCharlie LintonNiamh Ni LongainPennie Varvarides

Dig a little deeper

Wednesday 24th April 2019

Written by Pennie Varvarides

This week 10 GoodGym-ers ran 6km to help fill a planter outside a local library, so volunteers can grow edible plants

We were joined by two newbies: Charlie and Adam - give them a cheer!

We started with some warm ups in front of base, including the burpee name game and some bunny hops

Sarah was our trusty back-marker, while Dave lead the way, taking up an almost totally new route to Quernmore Road

He even took us up the biggest possible hill!

GG tourist Patrick met us at the library as he was running a bit late.

The team quickly split into teams of shovellers, tippers and sweepers.

There are a couple of great boomerangs in my instagram stories if you're interested.

Within 20 minutes we had filled the planter and made friends with a local who wanted us to help with a nearby pond!

It was soon time to run back to base. Niamh helped me navigate to Chestnuts Park for a game of Peliton (although I'm not sure that's the right name).

We then ran home, making it back to base with 30s to spare! Win!

Short run next week to the Living Under One Sun community center to clear leaves - 1km each way. See you then!

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HaringeyGroup run
Carolyn WatsonSara RobertsLatoya StephensJulie FisherRebeccaPennie Varvarides

Sweeps, scoops and leaves

Wednesday 23rd January 2019

Written by Pritesh Mistry

Wow - you Haringey lot are tough! Eleven awesome runners braved the freezing temperatures and headed out to help clear up around Quernmore Road and Harringay Station running nearly 7km too!

After a rather extended intro talking the tenets of GoodGym, covering health and safety and all the other important things we headed off for our run to Harringay station. Sarah kindly took on the back-marker role and Dave and I seemed to mix it up in terms of leading the way. About half way we decided to split the group with some keener runners going ahead to get going on the tasks and to maximise the hills too!


Dave had met with the taskowner and the tasks had been divvied out. We had some serious topiary with Oisin, Liam, Rita and Carolyn taking this on. Then we had some general clearing with Latoya, Kapil and Dave helping and then we had our sweepers and scoopers: Sarah, Rebecca, Nurjehan and Rhiannon!


After about half an hour of hard graft Sarah, Rebecca and Latoya headed off and the rest of us finished off the things we were doing. We posed for some group photos and then said goodbye to Oisin who lived just around the corner. We all headed back with Dave leading the way, Liam and Nurjehan leaving us along the route.


Once back to base we all made sure we stretched, we talked about various opportunities for races, socials and more with Haringey and the wider GoodGym community.

Pennie should be back next week – thanks again for having me!

Cheers, Pritesh

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HaringeyCommunity mission
Gosia RybackaSarah Moore

I thought they said "gurn more"

Sunday 29th October 2017

Written by Sarah Moore (She/her )

Quernmore Road - Goodgym Haringey ran there on a group task this week to spruce the road up in advance of their inaugural street party this Sunday. Five runners attended today to help set up.

Quernmore Road (it rhymes with "gurn more" received some funding for plants and seating, and to celebrate they put on a street party today.

It's clear the community are right behind it as we weren't the only volunteers there! Someone had left their Chelsea tractor in the middle of the street, despite parking restrictions, and some of the youngest volunteers took great delight in decorating it with chalk pens to help it fit in with the other decorations.

We helped put up bunting and decorations, carry things for storage behind the library, set up stalls, and reposition a clever (and heavy) stage on a trailer.

Oisin carried a watering can.

We all said goodbye before the party started, but rumour has in that a certain bearded politician living just across the border in Islington North was due to attend.

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HaringeyGroup run
Kate JonesAbigail WhiteReeRee RocketteEmine RustemSarah MoorePennie Varvarides

Clean sweep

Wednesday 25th October 2017

Written by Pennie Varvarides

This week 14 GoodGym-ers ran 7km to tidy up a street ahead of a street party on Sunday. Quernmore Road received £10,000 in funding to regenerate the road – and they're throwing a street party on Sunday to celebrate. Sign up for Sunday's mission here

We were joined by THREE newbies this week: Dave, Celeste and (not quite new but new to Haringey) Alex – give them all a cheer!

After taking the team through a quick warm up to prepare their muscles for the long run ahead, it was time to get to moving. Dave was our trusty leader, until Oisin took over as it was by his house. Sarah was our trusty back-marker. This gave me the chance to scoot with different people along the way (knees too sore for running tonight).

The last leg of the out run involved a long uphill stint, where I took the opportunity to tell another runner about GoodGym and try and coax her into coming with us next time.

Peter met us by the new bench and dished out the tasks. The trees had already been planted (sorry!) but there was plant moving and hedge trimming and leaf sweeping to be done. And a cute little white cat called Snowy guarding us while we worked.

In typical GG fashion we blitzed the street and returned our tools. It was then time for a quick conditioning circuit to get the blood pumping and build strength in those legs and glutes. Squats, burpees, lunges and star jumps. Boom.

We then split into two teams, with Dave taking the speedy lot back and me leading the less speedy group.

Then it was time for stretching and hobnobs.

Next week is a short one - so if you know any newbies who are thinking about running, that'll be the one to bring them to. 1km total

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