Slough Charity Book Store

12 GoodGymers have supported Slough Charity Book Store with 3 tasks.

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Sorting through books

Monday 14th October 2024 6:30pm - 8:15pm

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SloughCommunity mission
Peter JewellAbdulaziz Esse

Is it Paige or Page

Monday 19th August

Written by Slough runner

4 volunteers helped Jillian this evening at Global Education Trust Book Store.

We tidied up a section to allow some shelving to be positioned at the back. Abdul, Jen and myself moved trays of books to the opposite side of the room whilst Peter was arranging shelving.

Jillian front area if the book shop looked more spacious and brighter, event Aero light cant through into the room straight into Abdul pocket to eat later!

Abdul represented us taking charge of the chocolate.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

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SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkPam BangaKam AtwalUrmila DangaKeith

Reading is a novel idea!

Monday 8th July

Written by Manjit Birk

This evening we were helping Jillian at The Global Trust Bookstore to sort through the piles of donated books.

Before setting off from Salt Hill Park we welcomed Urmila on her first GoodGym session - a very warm welcome!

With Pam, Keith and Urmila walking the 1 mile distance, they set off whilst Jean and I carried on with the warm up.

Soon we had set off too. Jean was on fire tonight! I told her to set the pace and run at her pace then walk whenever she wanted to... we ran nearly all the way! Great to have running Jean back

Not all books are created sequel

Our tasks were to just sort out the books. But the books were everywhere so we were bound to get a little confused.

I helped to work out the sub tasks with task owner Jillian and we set Jean and Keith the naughty corner to sort out the fact from the fictions!

They did a remarkable job clearing out the corner into some kind of order!

Once upon a time

Kam and Pam had the job of sorting out the kiddies corner. Kam was on all the reference books whilst Pam had the pre schoolers!

Urmila and I came down to help after an aborted clothes sorting task!

We soon had crates of books in the correct piles

Great job all round everyone!

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SloughGroup run
Manjit Birk
HemaKam Atwal

Good Reads for the Day

Tuesday 7th May

Written by Manjit Birk

This evening we did our first task for Jillian who runs the charity book store in The Observatory in Slough High St.

We had Sara and Jen meeting up at Salt Hill Activity Centre and Kam, Mehdi and I all needing to make our own way to the task.

On arrival Jillian asked us to sort through the piles and piles of donated clothes and wipe down the books.

Wipe Out

Sara and Mehdi took on the book wiping down task, where they basically... wiped off the dust from donated books.

Fashion Gurus

Whilst upstairs Kam, Jen and I sorted through 100's of items and bagged them according to type!

Both teams did a great job and made a decent sized dent into the piles of books and clothes that needed sorting.

Thank you all for your support today.

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