Thames 21

Looking after the River Cray

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What You Wading, What You Wading, What You Wading For?

Saturday 1st June

Written by Bexley runner

Himalayan Balsam, actually!

Today we joined local residents for a 'Balsam Blitz' along the River Cray, organised by the independent charity, Thames21. Our mission was to wade along the river from Bexley, pulling up Himalayan Balsam plants.

'Why are you being so mean to Himalayan Balsam?', I hear you ask.

Well, when it flowers and goes to seed Himalayan Balsam spews out hundreds of seeds which thrive in wet conditions and outcompete native plants. This leads to reduced biodiversity and erosion of the riverbanks.

So Balsam is bad!

However all is not lost: removing the Balsam before it flowers can stop up to 90% of the plants returning next year. And that's where we came in, ready to tackle this voracious invader!

Clad in waders and using sturdy poles for balance in the fast-flowing water we stepped down into the river and made our way downstream eagerly scanning the banks. When we came across Balsam plants we carefully pulled them up roots and all, and transported them away in our floating trugs.

Being in the water was a unique way to see the River Cray. There was lots of chatting and it was such a nice way to meet new people, enjoy the outdoors and do good for the local environment.

Find out more about the work of Thames21 and sign up for their next Balsam Blitz later this month at

PS: We didn't take any photos because our phones were safely tucked away in pockets that weren't accessible in our waders. Thank you to Michael from Thames21 for allowing me to use his pics.

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