The Children's Hospital Charity

The Children's Hospital Charity's role is to provide over and above the standard NHS provision, enhancing Sheffield Children's Hospital and matching the world-class equipment with existing world-class expertise.
The Children's Hospital Charity's role is to provide over and above the standard NHS provision, enhancing Sheffield Children's Hospital and matching the world-class equipment with existing world-class expertise. Currently we have a project we are working towards over the next 5 years as we need to build a better future for our children by redeveloping the Emergency Department (ED), Child Assessment Unit (CAU) and Cancer and Leukaemia ward as well as a building a new Helipad.

55 GoodGymers have supported The Children's Hospital Charity with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
SheffieldGroup run
AshHayley RyanLinda CairnsHannah McCormackJames SmithTom Mutton

A Glowing report for GG Sheff

Monday 28th October 2019

Written by Tom Mutton

Big welcome to a new runner for this week;

Erik Pokorny

Give Eric a cheer and support him by clicking on his name above.

At our base we met with the lovely Rachael from The Children's Hospital Charity who told us all about the charity, their fund raising targets, why it was so important and how what we were doing tonight can really help out.

We were raising awareness for The Glow Run which is a sponsored run, helping to raise money for the charity.

Rachael gave us maps and leaflets and we headed off out to Hunter Bar roundabout where we split into our 4 groups, lead by our team captains to cover as many letter boxes as we could.

We met back at the roundabout and headed home with a bit more mileage under our feet than usually we didn't get our usual fitness sesh in but we did throw in some;

  • Wall sits
  • Stair sets
  • Loop backs

On arrival back at base we stretched off and heard the latest before heading in for a natter and a drink.

Until next time, happy running :)

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SheffieldGroup run
Annie Hinton
Helen AlfordRachelTom Mutton

Christmas is coming, time for some stuffing!

Monday 26th November 2018

Written by Tom Mutton


A RECORD of 45 runners rocked up tonight, what a turnout!

We welcomed three new runners this week. Woop, hola and cheers for;

  • Adam Perry
  • Megan Burton
  • Konstantina

Thanks for coming along and hope to see you all on a run again soon!

This week was a brand new task to go and help out The Childrens Hospital Charity where one of our very own GG runners works, big thanks to Rachael for organising the task which this week was helping stuff bags ready for the charities Glow Run - see photos for discount entry code.

It was a very well welcomed indoor task tonight where we stuffed the bags that will be given to the runners of the Glow Run on finishing the race. The team got straight to it got the bags done in quicktime.

Everyone was having great fun filling the fun bags full of fun and the envelope team were really pushing the envelope!

Helen was feeling a bit big headed by the end...

On route back we snuck in some stair sets, partner high knee/wall sits and got back to base for stretching and beers.

Until next week, happy running!

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