The Hurlingham Academy

The Hurlingham Academy is located in the south of the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. It is a fully comprehensive community school able to cater for 500-700 students between ages 11 and 16.

15 GoodGymers have supported The Hurlingham Academy with 2 tasks.

Top supporters
Hammersmith and Fulham runner
Hammersmith and Fulham runner

Previous sessions
Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
Joanne GreggSarahRebecca CorbettLucySteph Robson
Polly Skeats-Beswick

Two halves make a hall

Tuesday 13th February 2018

Written by Polly Skeats-Beswick

We started the night off with a quick round up of the task ahead, an invite to have pancakes after next week’s run and hello to new runner Steph. After that, we headed outside for a good, old warmup in the drizzle.

Round two *ding ding *

This week we were heading back to Hurlington Academy to help finish off painting one of their sports hall. We had manage to paint half last week and this week we needed to finish off the other half... with half the amount of runners.

That didn’t hold us back

With a prompt start and speedy run there, we got there in good time to get 30mins of solid painting in. Everyone grab a roller, a spot of wall and got started straight away. Ellie sorted the wood work this week with a brush and Jason went up the scaffolding platform to do the tops of the walls.

The walls were completed in no time, so we tidied up and said our final farewells to Ian the business manager and headed back.

A good run out for everyone despite the rain and cold. Lovely stuff.

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run
ClareTom Clough
Rebecca Dunlop
Polly Skeats-Beswick

School runnings - all white on the night

Tuesday 6th February 2018

Written by Polly Skeats-Beswick

The night started off in the warm with a briefing on the task, latest news, events and the task.

For Hall intents and purposes

We were off to Hurlington Academy for the next two weeks to help paint their sports hall. Over 400 students use the sports hall on a weekly basis, plus four community groups use it in the evenings and the scuffed walls really needed a fresh coat of white paint.

After a energetic warm-up, we set off on the 3.7k run to the school. Ian the Business Manager, was their to meet us at the gates as we arrived and show us to the hall. The gang got straight to work pouring out paint into trays, grabbed rollers and found a spot of wall to get started, whilst Jason went up the scaffolding ladder to paint the top half of the walls, Nick pushed him around and Esther painted the woodwork with a brush.

With two walls and a few people covered in paint we quickly tidied away and cleaned up ready for round two next week.

Not for the paint-hearted

The weather had got much colder on the run back so we didn’t hang around. Even my watch decided at 2k it was too cold in and switched off.

Well done to everyone for braving the chill and showcasing what can be achieved in 35 minutes with 10 people.

Time for a hot cuppa!

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