Unique Roots

Community gardening
Unique Roots - A holistic, outdoor health & wellbeing project which develops gardening skills, urban farming skills, physical fitness, confidence levels and mental health for the community as a whole.

75 GoodGymers have supported Unique Roots with 34 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
CroydonGroup run
ConroyRosalind VinceIngrid Buchanan

Three’s Company

Tuesday 21st June 2022

Written by Conroy

Three was the magic number as myself, Ros and Ingrid were the only members signed up to the task on Tuesday. That said we were not deterred by the small turnout and we jogged 7km to and from the task chatting all things training for Ros' upcoming HM (Vitality Big Half) along with Ingrid's deceptive pace after exclaiming shes a slow runner but she set the pace to and from our task.

We were met at the allotments by Pam from Unique Roots, she had various task for us to do watering the crops, weeding, putting together an attachment for the hose to connect to the tap, planting bulbs and most importantly harvesting strawberries.

Despite there being only three of us we were able to complete all the tasks Pam had, before bidding her farewell and headed back to Croydon.

Next week we'll be heading off on another long run to St Augustine's to do some work prior to the judging for London in Bloom sign up here.

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CroydonGroup run
Kate BowdenCatherinePaul UsherRosalind VinceIngrid BuchananAshley Middlewick

Planting Spring Bulbs

Tuesday 15th February 2022

Written by Kate Bowden

Last night 8 runners ran 5km to the gardens at the Peppermint Centre to assist Unique Roots plant lots of bulbs ready for spring.

We extended a warm welcome to Sandra and Ashley who were joining us for their first group runs. Sandra had heard about Good Gym on Facebook and had been sent by her work friends to see what we are all about. Ashley has done several missions with Good Gym but was on his first group run with us.

Once everyone had met each other, dropped our bags and had a chat about Good Gym we headed outside to stretch and warm up ahead of our jog. Ros and Ingrid acted as the back markers and a faster group went on ahead. The trams weren't running tonight in Croydon but (after a slight scenic detour over the fly over!) we were running alongside the tram lines to meet Pam at the Peppermint Centre.

Pam had lots of different bulbs ready for us to plant along the edge of the road to make the area very colourful in spring. Everyone worked together in little teams do dig the hole, plant the bulb and then refill the hole with soil. Pam had some special tools she had brought which made the task go a lot faster and we quickly got the hang of them. Once we had finished the boarder we had more bulbs and were able to plant more randomly throughout the grass and on some raised mounds of earth. Tonight's digging was all about burying treasure rather than finding it, but Catherine found a very cool stone shaped like an animal.

In total we planted 7 bags of different bulbs including daffodils, tulips and alliums. We all want to go back in the spring to see how they have grown and will add lots of colours to the area. Pam joined us on the start of our journey back, and then we ran back pleased at a good job.

Next week we'll be Sorting it all out helping with the clothing donations at the Croydon Refugee Centre.

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CroydonGroup run
Rosalind VincePaul UsherAbbyKate Bowden

Lift, clear, inflate

Tuesday 8th February 2022

Written by Conroy

Last night 7 members of ran 7.8km to the allotments in Thornton Heath to assist Unique Roots, prepare and get ready for spring.

We also extended a warm welcome to Paul who was joining us for his first group run. Paul is an employee of Octopus and have heard about us through our partnership with Octopus. He had signed up to join us last week but forgot to take his running trainers to work with him, however this week he ensured he had his full kit as he did not want to mis out on a Goodgym experience.

Following our introductions and small chat we headed outside the gym for our warm up to get us all prepared for the jog as this was one of our furthest task.

After our warm up we set off running with Ros as our back marker to ensure no one was left behind.

We had to navigate the busy streets of west Croydon which always seems to be very busy during our outward journey whenever we have a task that side of Croydon.

We arrived at our task, where Pam was awaiting us, with various task to complete.

She had a planter new planter that she wanted to me placed on the other side of the site but before moving it we had to clear the space where it was going to be relocated to. Everyone got stuck into clearing the site for the planter and when it was cleared they all carried the planter to its new location. Pam was really excited as she explained it would have been impossible for her services users to relocate due to their disabilities.

There were wheel barrows to be pumped up and some ground sheets needed to be folded and stored away. While some member focused on the ground sheet some were busy trying to unscrew the dust caps from the wheel barrows which somehow seemed to have been sealed to the vales due to the weather and dust they had collected, however those trying to unscrew the dust caps where triumphant in their endeavours and came out on top. Some of the wheels had punctures so they took them off so that Pam could buy replacement wheels.

Before we knew it our time at the allotments had come to an end and we bid our farewell to Pam.

Next week we'll be seeing the lovely Pam from Unique Roots again as we'll be visiting another of the projects in Valley Park, Kate will be leading the group come and support her on her maiden run by signing up here

Remember to give Paul some love by clicking on his profile and give him a cheer or two while supporting him.

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CroydonGroup run
ConroyAndy BatesRosalind Vince
Samantha MckeonIngrid BuchananKate Bowden

Seven Goodgymers for the Three raised beds and lawn mowing

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Written by Conroy

Last night seven Goodgym Croydon members converged at Solution Health Club, as customary we normally do a warm up before setting off, but our warm up location varies depending on where our task is.

Last night we did our warm up next to the Withgift Centre where we were joined by a few members of the community, before setting off on a 3.5km run towards Thornton Heath, where we were going to meet Pam from Unique Roots to do some work on the allotment.

When we arrived Pam was at the gate to meet us, she was in a slight bit of pain and asked us to ignore her groans as she has recently started to work as a PT and and her current leg routine is still bedding in so she had a bit of that post workout pain.

When we got to the plot Pam explained she had some weeding to be done along with cutting the grass by the entrance of their allotment. Ian drew the straw for cutting the grass while the others settled for weeding the beds.

I was stuck with taking the photos and being a lamp post, at least I had the opportunity to move between the raised bed and Ian mowing the grass.

Within our allocated time we managed to weed 3 raised beds, mowed the grass and planted some bulbs that will be at the entrance of the allotment greeting Pam and the users when in bloom.

Before leaving Pam showed us the stuff she had growing in the polytunnel including two recently gifted banana trees. We bid our farewell and heading off back on our return 3.5km run to solutions.

Next week we are off to the boulevard to help ECCO sign up here.

If you are not in our Goodgym Croydon whatsapp group we have agreed on a date for our Xmas do 22 December 2021, a venue has been booked but we are also going for a few light drinks before if you would like to attend please contact myself or a member of the taskforce.

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CroydonGroup run
Gemma ThornsDovileKate Bowden
Rosalind VinceNicola

To be or not to be

Tuesday 16th November 2021

Written by Conroy

8 eager members of GoodGym Croydon ran to the Peppermint Centre in Valley Park to assist Unique roots tidy up the garden area of the centre.

Returning for her second group run was Gemma glad to see we made a good impression on her first visit that she decided to come again.

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances it wasn't meant to be. After hanging around for 15 minutes we gave in and went on the long jog back to to solution. Despite not being able to complete a task we mange to get the equivalent of a parkrun distance completed.

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CroydonGroup run
ConroyAbbySamantha MckeonRosalind VinceIngrid Buchanan

Grass!! Yes we mowed it

Tuesday 19th October 2021

Written by Conroy

Last night 6 members ran to Valley Park to assist Unique Roots, tidy up the communal area around the Peppermint centre.

When we arrived Pam from Unique roots was already at the site unloading the tools from the boot of her car. It wasn't so long ago since we last visited the site, however due to the mixed weather nature seems to have taken over and reclaimed the area.

With a smile on their faces and a spring in their steps the group tackled the task at hand. Though small in numbers we made a great effort in mowing the grass, weeding the beds and trimming the rose bush that had grown out of control.

It wasn't just weeding and cutting grass, Pam also had some plants and veg to be planted which, Ingrid and Abby planted.

Before we knew it the time for us to down our tools had come and it was time for us to undertake that 3.5km run back to solutions.

Next week, we'll be going to Wandle Park, to assist friend of Wandle Park, fancy joining us? Sign up here.

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