7 pretty fly(ering) runners........

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Stockport
David Higham
Lisa Hamilton
Emma Claire
Anne G
Simon Smith
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Tuesday 21st May 2019

Lisa Hamilton
Lisa Hamilton






Anne G
Anne G


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Lisa Hamilton

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What a gorgeous evening for a run and a good deed. The sun was once again shining and 7 goodgymers had their laces fastened ready to run and do good.

The run was the longest we have had planned for a while, just over 11km in total, not the best timing after the Manchester 10k and half marathon over the weekend, but we did it, and with a smile.

Knowing it was a long one we did a quick name and number shout out, set up watch’s and off we tootled.

The task was already pre-organised, I had met the lovely Gemma from Re:Dish the week before to collect the flyers to distribute, the flyers were to be posted in the ‘Poets corner’ area of Reddish, trying to engage the local community to get involved and see what services are on offer.

The flyers were to promote a FREE health and wellbeing event to be held on Tuesday the 28th May, 12-4pm at the Barstow centre in Reddish.

The event has lots going on with a variety of health and wellness professionals to help and provide information, Age UK, MIND, NHS Just to name a few.

The event is to provide information and support for local residents, there will be fitness talks and demonstrations from football to yoga to a bit of tai chi! Free gym passes will also be available. Some of the other supporters that will be attending are: Reddish Library, ARC, Heatons Art Group, local walking groups, SPACE Stockport and Educate.

With the run be a long one there was no time for any fitness play, but we did have time to chat, and over the last few weeks there has been organic talk of running and the state of mind we all get in, how difficult we can sometimes find it trying to re-engage with running, trying to eat the correct diet and basically how we beat ourselves up for not being the best, when in actual fact we should be being kinder to ourselves.

Our goodgym community isn’t just about the running, its about supporting each other, and that support comes in many shapes, helping and supporting each other on the actual weekly run, supporting each other at events, through training, on how to be kind to yourself, how to look after your body and listen to it, when to rest, and when to get up and push yourself.

My point it, were not your average running club, were a community!

Thanks for a wonderful week of running guys, well done to everyone who got involved in the Manchester 10K and the half. Big shout to Anne who completed her goal of running her first half marathon, and raining over £500 for the Wellspring. It was fab to see a few of you down at the event, and I’m looking forward to more in the future.

Have a great week, happy running,

Lisa x x

Ps: im emailing today about the box!!!!!!

This task supported
Christmas clean up

Community based church in Reddish, Stockport. Church is used for a variety of community events that get many people together and is a wonderful space

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Anne G

Wed 22nd May 2019 at 10:14am

We want our box back!! 😂

Join us on our next session


Delivering leaflets for Together Trust
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:30pm

Advertising the community events to the local community

Laura BoldisonBen FosterHannah West
4 GoodGymers are going