Bush snippity, we've got to bag it up

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brighton
Rosie Baker
Carla Washbourne
Rob Ward
Juliet O'Brien
Jane Dallaway
Sarah Katharine
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Tuesday 29th November 2022

Carla Washbourne
Carla Washbourne


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Report written by Carla Washbourne

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10 GoodGymers headed to Somerset Point to clear overgrown areas and help residents access the garden paths.

We spent a chilly, but thankfully dry, evening snipping back bushes and shrubs that had encroached on the paths and bagging up lots of previous trimmings that were causing a nuisance along the side access.

The task owner welcomed us and we quickly got organised with our trusty gloves, lamps and torches and a variety of loppers and shears to tackle the unruly vegetation. Working as a team along the fences, we quickly got everything looking much clearer.

To top it off, we were rewarded with some all-important biscuits to power our run back home. (‘Runners Biscuits’ – a new Brighton GoodGym business proposition? Watch this space!)

This task supported

Council run sheltered retirement housing

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Turning the Tides Beach Clean 🌊
🗓Sunday 16th March 11:00am

Take part in Surfers Against the Sewage Beach Clean to raise awareness on plastic pollution

DianaRob MittonKatie HutchinsonSophie WardRosie Baker
7 GoodGymers are going