Saturday 2nd October 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Bromley runner
Beth, Alex and I met up this morning at Virginia Primary School to help the Boundary Estate set up the Fun Palace in the school's playground and provide a free day of interactive art, science, sport and history for the children in the community.
We were first tasked to put up four gazebos: one for the farm stand, where Spitalfields City Farm kindly provided two gorgeous (live) chickens for today's entertainment, and three other gazebos to be spaced out in the playground. We spent a fair bit of time trying to fix one of the gazebos whose metal support bars were broken, before it was decided that it was too dangerous to use...
We then made our way to St Hilda's East Community Centre 200m away, to pick up thirty chairs and ten tables St Hilda's was good enough to share. As the trolley/cage to transport the tables were not available because of another event happening at St Hilda's, we bravely made several journeys back and forth carrying the tables and setting them up around the school's playground, where the various stands were being prepared. Luckily, St Hilda's was able to share a trolley for us to move the thirty chairs to Virginia Primary!
We were finally done by the time it started to rain and the Fun Palace stands began to take shape. What a great way to start the weekend, thank you team!
Tower Hamlets
A great start to your weekend!