Sunday 15th January 2023
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Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice
Upon our arrival at Thornby's Coffee Stand in Elthorne Park, Simon, Alison and Louise met with Audrey and Sam (and a lovely friendly puppy dog called "Swan" who was interested in what we were up to) and we eventually found the well hidden Islington Council official Christmas Tree Drop Off point.
Our intention for the morning was to pick up as many trees as possible from the area surrounding Sussex Way, Crouch Hill and Archway- generally areas on a slope, where access to these Christmas Tree drop points are difficult for residents, and where some of the estates are hard to access by council refuse vehicles. All collected Christmas Trees will be chipped and re-purposed for community garden projects in the borough.
Our team spent 50 minutes to scour the area, and retrieved 10 trees from awkward areas, successfully filling up the drop off point. Great work everyone!
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens