Flyer like a bird....

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Warwick & Leamington Spa
Joannah Middleton
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Warwick & Leamington Spa

Friday 7th March

Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton


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Report written by Joannah Middleton

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More posters... more noticeboards...more recognition for the amazing Guide Dogs.

I've just realised I've got 12 routes to do for these posters.... that's 12 missions.... 12 appalling run report titles about posters ..... and probably not much different content to document on each one!

Except that every mission gets me out on my bike and doing a good deed for the Guide Dogs, so that feels great!

This task supported
Guide Dogs - Breeding Dog Volunteers
We are looking for support in distributing promotional posters and leaflets to help us recruit more Breeding Dog Volunteers.

Guide Dogs Breeding Dog Volunteers provide a full-time, loving home for one of our guide dog mums and we urgently need to recruit more volunteers to help us raise the next generation of life-changing guide dogs for people with sight loss. This vital volunteer role is perfect for dog-lovers who are looking for a permanent addition to their family. They're specially selected for their ideal temperament and characteristics and have the very best guide dog genes. She will arrive with volunteers socialised and house trained. Most of the time she will be a wonderful, pet dog, then roughly once a year, volunteers also get to enjoy the company of a litter of guide dog puppies for around 7 weeks. We cover all the costs for our guide dog mums, including her food, vet bills and any equipment or bedding she needs. This opportunity is unique to the Midlands as our Breeding Dog Volunteers need to live within an hour's drive of our National Centre, just outside Leamington Spa.

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Warwick & Leamington Spa

Promotional literature distribution - Guide Dogs (Route 8)
🗓Tuesday 12:00pm

GoodGymers help will enable us to raise awareness of this wonderful role and encourage more, much needed applications from people who would like to volunteer with Guide Dogs and our amazing guide dog mums.