Saturday 8th March
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Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Maidenhead Library's annual Big Read event had a theme of Wings this year and needed some help with putting on the event. Tessa is on the organising committee and was making sure that everything was running smoothly. Angela manned the Children's Corner, where local authors were talking about their books to the children. Jess was helping children to make gliders until they ran out of materials, so came to join Sheila on the Craft table where children could decorate fairies and make bees to go on flowers. We were winging it for most of the time, but the place was buzzing, and the session was finished before we knew it!
Our aim is to encourage adults and children from all backgrounds to read more, own books and visit their local library. We believe there is truly no greater pleasure in life than curling up in a big armchair and getting lost in a good book, magazine or comic. Maidenhead's second Maidenhead's Big Read runs from the 28th of February to the 8th of March, coinciding with World Book Day.
See moreSun 9th Mar at 4:10pm
Well done you high flyers! Really great work! That first pic is hilarious with you both looking so serious 😐😐🤣🤣
Sun 9th Mar at 4:17pm
Great report! Thank you very much to all of you for your help.
Sun 9th Mar at 6:15pm
Focused or pick! 🤣
Windsor and Maidenhead
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