Saturday 8th December 2018
Report written by Bristol runner
This morning 9 lovely Goodgymers volunteered at Eastville parkrun. These goodgymers aren't just good, they are hardcore! A lot of them had been out at the epic Bristol GG Chris-mass party last night but that didn't stop them getting up at the crack of dawn to help with the community parkrun. That's how they roll!
Half of them were marshaling on the route, each hoping they didn't have a complicated spot where it could go wrong and wreck someone's life. (?!) They cheered and clapped, directed and provided lots of encouragement for the runners. The other half were counting and timing which looked like a lot of pressure but they did a fantastic job!
The gale force winds luckily weren't yet to be seen and it seemed like everyone enjoyed it. Great job guys!
Also well done to Lexi and Andy on running the parkrun, you two made it look easy which it is definitely not!
(Sorry my brain has no puns!)
Sat 8th Dec 2018 at 7:02pm
Thanks for organising this. Love the group photo 😀