Monday 18th March 2024
Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
As the title already hints at, this week it is the Great British Spring Clean... so a litter pick seems the logical choice of task for tonight.
Numbers kept changing, so in the end James & me were about to set off from base when the familiar smiling face of Cedric popped up to join in.
The council had been cutting back the vegetation at the station, so that seemed a good place to start, with better access to a lot of the beds there. From there we wandered along the edge of the slip road & A12 (safely on the pavement ofcourse) aiming to get to Redbridge roundabout.... but we came across so much rubbish along the way, it would take several daylight sessions and a few skips to clear up everything spotted down the embankment.
To our pleasant surprise the pathways through the roundabout were actually very tidy.
7 bags of rubbish are now awaiting collection by the council - job well done!
Will give you that little spring in your step;)