Monday 23rd October 2023
Report written by Sarah-Jane Messenger
The task was a simple one, Build a train set in a chunch hall. Which of course the 3 Musketeers managed, ensuring track had many twist and turns.
It was a close call between us and the Children who had more fun. Once the track was layed in record time (less than a hour) (Yes network rail we can share best practice) We moved our attention to the trains. Beth found the scary looking train, SJ wonderd how a chiness dragon got lost and M remindered us that playing at home (with out or without children) is great fun.
Aboard Club runs play sessions for autistic and ADHD children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves. We provide a safe, understanding and inclusive environment for the children to enjoy their trains. The children are in charge. They can run trains around the track, or build their own track. They can choose from boxes and boxes of trains, track, tunnels and bridges.
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