Here comes the run 🌞

5 Goodgymers helped their local community in Stockport
Laura Boldison
Simone Keegan
Sian Dobson Hughes
Hannah West

Tuesday 9th May 2023

Sian Dobson Hughes
Sian Dobson Hughes


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Report written by Sian Dobson Hughes

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Last night's group run was the first of year with sunnies and tees. A glorious Tuesday evening with the sun shining and 5 GoodGymers on a leaflet delivering mission.

We set off from base and ran a steady and chatty 3km route, collecting our final GoodGymer when we arrived at the task location.

Our task was to deliver leaflets for a local charity, Together Trust, advertising their local summer community event.

With the sun shining and lots to catch up in, we chatted along the postal route and delivered a hefty batch within no time at all.

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Delivering leaflets for Together Trust
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:30pm

Advertising the community events to the local community

Laura BoldisonBen FosterHannah West
4 GoodGymers are going