Tuesday 15th December 2020
Report written by Esther
We are delighted to be back to non essential but Covid Safe tasks!
This week, we finally made it to St John's, having previously delayed as we went into Lockdown 2.0.
The church, like so many, is supported by volunteers who maintain the grounds. I walk through this church daily and noted there was a few weeds around and had emailed the vicar, Helen Bailey, asking if we can help at all. A handful of emails later and it was all agreed! The church had recently been struggling with volunteers in the garden due in part to Covid and were delighted we can be there to supply some Goodgym power!
Within our limit of 6, we were joined by the lovely Ellie who has been Goodgyming in Leeds and Bournemouth and we are delighted she could join us tonight! We hope you will join us again in future for more friendly chatter and tasks!
Hannah cycled from home so earned extra kudos for the activity.
Richard certainly got stuck in, including an attempt to unblock a drain! He cleared the side of the church of weeds, moss and leaves!
Elizabeth and Robert tackled a side pathway down by the car park full of leaves and debris.
Rev Helen Bailey joined us for a chat and thanked all of us for the work we do. We will be in touch with Helen and the other garden volunteers for future tasks.
After we finished the weeds around the Yew Tree, cleared the side paths and swept up, it was time to run!
We chose to run the quarter marathon route that is usually on New Year's Day. This took us down the hill, around the streets of Broadstone (with a few inclines and lights!) and up Gravel Hill to finish. It is definitely a puffy run with those gradual but persistent inclines!
It was so amazing to have opportunity to run and chat! Often its no more than just a quick 'hello and how are you' as we often give in passing with lack of social interaction. With gardening and then a run, we can really get to find out a bit more about each other!
Good work everyone!
Help support a community garden to grow food & flowers and improve wellbeing in Hamworthy