It's a winterful life!

5 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Fleur Cartwright
Laura Grant
Gemma Bones
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Monday 21st December 2020

Southwark runner


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Report written by Southwark runner

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Five GoodGymers spent a festive Monday helping Age UK Lewisham and Southwark pack "Winter Goodie Bags" for their service users for Christmas.

Harriet greeted us all and showed us the socially distanced packing stations she had set up. Poor Laura was the last to arrive, and so had to be more socially distanced than the rest, in a different room!

Each pack needed a leaflet, thermometer, gloves, colouring pencils, an activity pack, a candy cane and some rather snazzy socks! We all got to work, packing systematically to a soundtrack of Christmas tunes.

We were so efficient that we ran out of supplies before they had all been delivered. We decided to go on a lunchtime adventure into London Bridge (not somewhere I have been much this year!) to do our bit for the country's economy and buy an overpriced coffee each from Pret. It was a weird treat to be back in Pret again, and I topped it off with a visit to Leon for my lunch!

On our return, more supplies had been delivered which meant we could finish our packing. We cleared up, and Gemma stamped the bags with Age UK's contact details.

Harriet was really pleased with what we got done, a whopping 430 bags all in all! It was so nice to do something that felt Christmassy. and to think that some older people in the area would be getting a little Christmas present in the next few days.

Happy Christmas everyone!

This task supported
Age UK Stones End Day Centre
A friendly, diverse and accessible day centre for vulnerable older people in Southwark.

At Stones End Day Centre we specialise in working with older adults who have care and support needs. We support our members to remain healthy and independent for as long as possible.

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