It's just a Mattock of Time

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Sophie H
Abilio Jaribu
Tilly Baker Hine
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Tuesday 30th November 2021

Southwark runner


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Report written by Southwark runner

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Yesterday, four Goodgymmers went to continue our work at Thorlands Gardens.

Simon put us to work in the kitchen garden, where a previous group had already visited the previous Sunday. Tilly had a solo task of raking up all the leaves and moving them to the compost. Everyone else (Sophie, Abilio and I), were given forks and a mattock to dig up weeds with. At first, it looks like there wasn't a lot to do, since the previous group had done such a group job of clearing the area. However, we soon realised that the few that were left were part of a network of bindweed that laid just below the surface of the soil. We quickly got to work, slowly getting the hang of unearthing as much bindweed as we could without breaking up the roots so that we could dig as much of it out as possible. The quantity of bindweed combined with the nature of the task meant that we got a thorough and satisfying workout.

The time passed very quickly and it didn't feel long before it was time to pack up. We headed home knowing that we'd done the best could have done in the short time available. To add to that, Simon gifted us each with a goody bag of salad leaves and tulip bulbs! 🙏 Thank you Simon, and well done all! 👏

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Sorting & Stocking @ Borough Food Cooperative
🗓Tomorrow 10:30am

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

0 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀