Wednesday 26th July 2017
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Katie Welford
It was a cooler evening than the last two and this week we headed west through the crazy busy Leicester Square and Picadilly Circus, up fancy pants New Bond Street and then across to Hyde Park. Marble Arch peeked through the trees as we ran up to Speaker's Corner and then along the top of the park.
At this point, Katie went on a gentle run down to the lake, whilst the others picked up the pace in a loop to the end of the park. Everyone started going in different directions, it got a bit bonkers, some people went all the way around the lake. We thought we'd lost someone, turns out he went home and told Katie but she forgot in the madness.
We ran home through Trafalgar Square, which was shut last time we tried due to the state visit from the Spanish King and Queen. Everyone was pretty tired on the home stretch and with some stretches, that ended a nice long run. Thanks to everyone who made it along and good luck with your final exams and assignments.
Spend half an hour on a Friday evening doing something amazing