picking brains as well as rubbish

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Redbridge
Patrick Luong
Peter Van Tongeren
Dan Slipper
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Saturday 12th May 2018

Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

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With the weather a lot better than last time in March, Dan welcomed a mixed group of locals and a couple of Goodgymmers and divided the areas for people to target. One eager team member had already started on the Green itself, so the others spread out to the fringes of the green and nearby roads.

With Dan targetting his specific bugbear of the bushes along the main road, Patrick & Peter teamed up working their way from the fringe down the pathways along the A12, chatting about all things goodgym, running, health and lots more.

In what seemed no time at all the hour was almost up, with 9 binbags gathering at the bus stop to await collection by the council. One local heard about the stack of car numberplates found by one of the team and came over to collect them and drop them off at the local police station.

Finally, to round off the mission, some keys found nearby were dropped off at the tube station for safe keeping, with a message put on the local facebook group, hopefully resulting in keys & owner being re-united!

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🗓Tomorrow 8:45am

Assists our local parkrun with a little volunteer fun.

Linda SharmanEdward SharmanAli KaroliaJames C
4 GoodGymers are going