Monday 11th June 2018
Report written by Kate Holmes
Fresh from our QUARTER FINALS success at the Twickenham festival Tug of War on Friday night, Richmond GG had a buzz of excitement and a refreshed sense of energy. The news section took plenty of time as we relived the competition & the Goliaths us little Davids competed against. We were also filled in on several people's 10k runs they'd done on Sunday, with a good contingent from Richmond GG having done the Turks Head. Special mention to Elaine for getting through it whilst under the weather.
Then we were off out to Richmond Green, starting off with a nice jog round to find a space big enough for the warm up amongst all the picnickers. We were in, out & round about in a circle. We all got a little over enthusiastic with chasing the person in front, well before Mark said 'Go', but by the end we were certainly warm.
Were we given the Richmond run around??
— GoodGym Richmond (@GGRichmon) June 11, 2018
Despite the destination of our task being a stones throw away, we set off for our run along the river, over the bridge to the other side and back again. Once back we were well and truly ready to get started with the task.
We were all set to wash and rub down the fence that surrounds the Green but found the tools we'd been left were a little thin on the ground. With just 4 wire brushes between 15 of us we had to get a bit creative with our approach; in true GG style we set about doing what we are good at and making our environment a better place. Some of us used the brushes to rub down the paint on the railings and posts, whilst the others got cloths to wash off the mud and general roadside grime. The rest of us went on a litter pick around the Green. There were also a few trips to be made to The Princes Head pub to get buckets of water (not Pimms), which they very kindly supplied. THANK YOU PRINCES HEAD, would have been tougher without you! All that scrubbing was tough going on the arms, so we were glad to be able to swap tasks every now & then, especially those of us with Tug of War related aches!
Being in such a prominent position was a bit of a novelty for both us & the local residents. We caught a lot of intrigued glances and fielded several questions from passers by. Everyone was pleased to see us working hard to make the area look good; even getting a few congratulatory shouts from people in cars; thanks for the encouragement Richmond!
In the end we got one end of the fencing looking pretty well polished, litter free & sparkly! After a few pictures & a quick tidy up we made the short journey back to Whole Foods for a quick warm down. Congratulations to Emily on her first run, well done! And welcome back to some familiar faces, Aran, Hugh and Michelle too! Always happy to see you! All in all, a job well done everyone!
Great report thanks Kate - and also congrats on your own Castle to Castle 10km event at the weekend!
Here is a link to next week's run, we'll be met at ETNA by the Task Owner this time and I am told there is a "to do list"
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